The Spark Of Elizabeth's Idea

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[Diane's POV]

He just jumped back!! I wasn't ready for that!! I couldn't catch him so we both fell back!! The next moment I opened my eyes I saw him on top of me. I froze! I..I felt so much heat in my face!! I glanced behind him and saw Elizabeth at the door!! AAAHH!! "W-What are you guys doing?" She asked standing in the doorway. I freaked out and pushed him off of me and quickly stood up. He jumped up after I did holding his little bear. "N-Nothing!!!" We both said at the same time.

Elizabeth walked in with a suspicious look on her face "yeah right- now what- Oh my God!!" She suddenly gasped! "What happened!?" She asked with worry running over to king and pointed to his cheek. The color of bruising had finally shown and now there was a bad bruise on his cheek. "He got into a fight with Howzer-" I answered with a sigh.
Elizabeth sat him down on the bench and started digging in her backpack. "How?! Are you okay king?" She asked pulling out her lunch bag. She opened it and took out her ice pack. "Yeah.." he looked down as he sat there.. I know he's not okay, he's lying!

"What did I tell you?! You aren't okay! You were crying!" I argued glaring at him but he wasn't looking at me. Elizabeth put the ice pack to his face and he hissed like it hurt him. She pulled the ice back probably feeling bad. "Stop I do-" I cut him off and took the ice from her and lightly pushed it on his cheek. "You do need it now shut up and stop being stubborn!" I scolded him and he stayed quiet.

Elizabeth set her bookbag aside, "is that what you wanted me for?" She asked and I nodded. "And, we have a meeting after school with the rest of the squad but I don't want this guy walking to Meliodas' house by himself and captain and Ban have practice today, so I'm letting him stay with us okay?" I said still holding the ice to king's cheek. "Okay I don't mind that- but this period ends in like two minutes!" She notified and I raised a brow. "Seriously? Damn!"

Elizabeth gave me a look! A mad one! Out of no where!! "What?" I asked a little scared by the way she was looking at me. She pointed to King! I looked at him and he was looking down at his bear and messing with it's fuzziness. He was frowning and looked lost in thought. "H-" I tried talking to him but the bell rang and he got up and just ran out!? He ran out! I got up to grab him but Elizabeth grabbed my arm. "Leave him be, he has band right now.. he'll be fine. Plus it looks like he doesn't wanna talk anyway Diane.." she said frowning.

I nodded and gave her the ice pack back. She put it away in her lunch bag. "We have to go to class, you have gym Right?" She asked grabbing her things "yeah, don't you have Hendrickson right now?" I asked as we made our way to the door. "Yep!" And then we both walked out of the cheerleaders locker rooms. We made our way to our classes. When I walked into the gym everyone was doing stretches and stuff so I went and got changed.

I was wondering about King as I changed in the changing rooms. Why'd he run off like that.? Maybe he was still mad or something.

[King's POV]

She just pushed me off of her..yeah I get it and all but it still hurt my feelings..then she scolded me again making me sit there and think. She clearly doesn't like the way I push people away and she was worried about me until she pushed me away...I didn't mean to fall on her like that! Maybe she'd like me better if I didn't do those stupid things! Yeah!

I hugged Fuzzy as Diane held the ice on my cheek and spoke with Elizabeth. I wasn't Listening to their conversation.. I was thinking about ways I could calm myself..but I frowned knowing Elaine was the one who usually calmed me down. Elaine would tell me to breath and think positive! I sighed and looked down at Fuzzy and playing with the furry fuzziness on him.

The bell rang and I jumped up running out of the room, agreeing I had to think more positive! But how? I ran for a minute until I found my locker. I opened it after putting in my combination and took out my flute! I grabbed the handle of it and took it out of my locker,closed it,and locked it back up. I rushed to the music room and saw every other hand member, assembling, cleaning, and tuning their instruments. I smiled and placed my flute case down, opening it and assembling it.

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