Easy Packing

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[kíng'ѕ pσv]
I can't handle it... Elaine is gone, the only family I had left. She was the one there for me when I fell. She was the one there to comfort me. But now she's gone.. How am I suppose to get over that.? I held the razor blade in my hand as it was shaking. I sat there on my bed crying more like the worthless loser I am. I fell off my bed and onto my knees, praying, just praying for Elaine, saying sorry for the stupid things I did and the stupid thing I'm about to do now.. I have nothing else to live for anyway. I laid on the floor still my shaking hand held the blade. I put the blade to my skin, at my wrist right where my veins are shown. I slit it against my skin, blood seeping through my skin and down my arm dripping onto the floor. I did it again, and again seeing the blood all over my arm. I moved to my other arm as I cried over my little sister. I sliced my skin with the blade watching the blood trickle down my arm. "I s-should've let her stay h-home today! W-Why did I let h-her go!" I said crying more wincing in pain at the last deep cut I made into my arm. I put the blade on the ground as I laid there crying when Meliodas walked in with an expression of fear and worry.

"W-What did you do to yourself??!" he asked running over and kneeling down by me. He saw the blade and immediately threw it away from me. "nothing.. " I said blankly sitting up pulling my sleeves down over my bloody arms not caring about the blood seeping through its cloth. He grabbed my wrist with a good grip making me wince in pain. He pulled my sleeve up "Nothing Harlequin? Nothing?!" he said. I nodded and tried pulling my arm away but it didn't work. His grip was too strong. "it's nothing! L-Leave me alone!" I said trying to push him away but of course it didn't work because I'm weak.. "Harlequin stop! Is this what she would've wanted?!" he almost yelled. "No!" I yelled back at him with sobs threatening to come out if I were to speak once more. "then why are you doing this?" he asked calming his tone. "Because!" I said my voice cracking. "I-I want to be with her again.. " I said breaking into tears when he hugged me. I put my head on his shoulder and sobbed. He started rubbing my back "she wants you to live a good life.. Don't ruin her dreams. Just live.. For her and all the people that care about you. " he said. I just kept crying, shaking, and bleeding out my pain. He let go of me and stood up putting his hand out to me but I didn't take it. Meliodas shrugged and grabbed my hand lifting me up on my feet as the tears ran down my cheeks.

[díαnє'ѕ pσv]
Me and Elizabeth were sitting on the couch as ban was cooking. Meliodas had gone upstairs to check on King and left the rest of us down here. He didn't even ask me! He just walked up the stairs not caring about how I would feel! "You think he's okay..?" Elizabeth asked breaking the silence. "I'm not.. Sure" I said glancing at the stairs. Elizabeth sighed "I hope he is... " and I nodded. "ya know -" Ban said from the kitchen "he's really sensitive.. I can just tell" he said lowly but loud enough for us to hear. We heard some yelling from upstairs making me jump. Elizabeth got up and ban looked back at us looking worried. "hey, let Captain handle him, if we all run up then we could make him feel worse... Remember he did just loose his sister... " Ban sadly said when he mentioned the death of Elaine..

She was close with me and Elizabeth.. She was so kind and thoughtful. She even told me how King acts when he's sad. She told me he's stubborn.. Likes to hide things.. That's probably why they're yelling.

Elizabeth and ban seemed as worried as I was. But we held ourselves back. Ban went back to cooking and me and Elizabeth sat back down. I heard crying and after a minute or two I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and went to the stairs and stopped seeing King and meliodas at the top of the stairs. King's face was red and wet.. And was definitely still crying. Meliodas was holding his arm but his touch looked gentle. When he helped King down the stairs more I could see blood dripping down his hands and blood leaking through his sleeves. I gasped and Elizabeth and ban rushed over. "Wh-" ban was about to ask until he noticed what I had gasped for. Elizabeth looked worried and sad. I backed up from the stairs and let meliodas walk by with King. We watched in silence seeing him and Meliodas walk into the kitchen. "go pack his stuff, I'm not letting him up there alone again. " Meliodas said from the kitchen. Elizabeth nodded "i'll do it, Diane go help Captain" she said walking upstairs. I nodded jogging back into the kitchen with Ban following me. I heard small sobs come from King making me frown. He sounded so sad.. It kinda hurt seeing him so broken over his little sister.. Who am I kidding? It hurt a lot seeing him like that! "i'll finish making the food, when it's done I'll make you a plate, okay Harlequin?" he said getting back to the food. King just nodded.. I don't know why but I always call him King.. King nodded just crying. Meliodas rolled up his sleeves and sighed with me looking at his arms with shock! He was covered in blood and cuts! There was one cut that looked deep! I hurried around digging through cabinets, drawers, and shelves for bandages. Ban grabbed the hand towel and a bottle he found, he handed it to meliodas "use the alcohol to clean it after you rinse the blood" he said and Captain helped King rinse his arms off.

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