A Flirty Stroll Through The Halls

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[Diane's POV]

As I was waking up I yawned. I felt something warm pressed up against my cheek and opened my eyes and turned to see Harlequin sleeping peacefully. I blushed and smiled, I glanced down seeing my hand on his bare chest and I just blushed more. I heard Ban laugh and Meliodas chuckle. "Look who's up!" Elizabeth said from where she was sitting. I laid my head down again by Harlequin's and wrapped my arms around him carefully. "Shush! He's sleeping!" I demanded in a hushed tone, not wanting to hear their teases. Elizabeth giggled. "I'm glad your up though-" Meliodas said and I looked at him from where I was laying with my sleepy Harlequin. "Why?" I asked still a little tired. "Uhm.." he hesitated and it made me worry. "Because Estarossa is coming by and should be here any minute" Ban said for him. I let go of Harlequin and sat up looking at my friends nervously. "Is Meliodas in trouble??" I asked. Meliodas shook his head. "I shouldn't be but he still doesn't know what happened and we all worried him half to death." He said and Elizabeth nodded. I sighed in relief but frowned. "So we have to tell him.?" I asked and everyone nodded. "Cant I just do it?" Ban cut in. I felt King shift a bit but I couldn't tell if he was awake.

"W-What why?" I asked and he shrugged. "It's a sensitive subject and I don't want anyone crying anymore" he said and Elizabeth shook her head. "We know but we have to deal with it because it isnt going to happen anymore" she said as Meliodas kept quiet. "Excuse me to interrupt but there's someone else here for Harlequin" the nurse came in with Estarossa right by her as they came in. The nurse left and Estarossa looked at all of us crossing his arms. Meliodas was looking down as he asked, "what happened?"

"Well uhm..-" Ban started but stopped when he saw King sit up. "H-Hey Harlequin we can walk around if-" he cut me off by shaking his head. Estarossa's expression changed from angered to worried. "I hurt myself...that's it..I'm stupid end of story..." He said and Estarossa sighed "why.?" He asked. Everyone was looking at him. Harlequin still looked tired. But maybe it's just because he just woke up? "Stuff.. everything...my life" he answered and Estarossa came over to him. Harlequin looked down at himself frowning. I hugged him, "hey I told you everything is gonna be okay, how about we go for a walk or something?" I asked him again. "S-Sure" he hugged me back and I smiled. "Look, I know things are hard and I understand. But everyone is here for you. I'm glad to have you stay with us, it's a delight really, your such a good kid. From now on try and do your best to think good things!" He smiled at Harlequin. "Okay" he said as we let go of each other.

Estarossa patted his head and I saw the smile on Harlequin's face. Such a nice smile. It made me smile. I got up from the bed and walked out of the room and peeking down the hall. "Diane?" I heard Harlequin ask, be seemed confused and sad when I walked out. I saw the nurse down the hall. "Hey can I take Harlequin for a walk? He's awake" I asked as she came down the hall. "Sure but I'll have to go with you guys so you don't get lost. And I have to hook his IV to the wheelchair" she said and I nodded. We both came back in the room and I saw Harlequin smile! "I thought you just left!" He said trying to get out of his bed. "Aw-" I heard Elizabeth say in awe. Meliodas and Ban were smiling and the reassuring smile on Estarossa. The nurse quickly brought over a wheelchair and parked it by his bed. "Hey, hey don't go too fast." The nurse warned him. "Hey can you sit there?" The nurse asked me pointing to the wheelchair. "W-Wait isn't that for him?" I asked and she nodded. "I need you to sit with him and hold him, we can't have him falling out of it especially after what happened earlier." She said talking about the seizure he had. I nodded and sat in the wheelchair. Harlequin managed to stand and was able to walk but I could tell his body was still weak. His legs were still a little shaky and he was still pale but he gave such a warm smile.

The nurse helped him to the chair and sat him on me. "Aw!" Elizabeth said once again. He looked back at me as I wrapped my arms around him. Ban chuckled, "damn Diane you know he doesn't have anything under that right?" He asked teasingly and Estarossa chuckled as him and Meliodas laughed. I blushed and pouted. "Shush! It's okay!" I said and I heard Harlequin giggle as he faced forward. The nurse had finished setting his stuff up and smiled at us before pushing us out of the room.

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