Telling Estarossa

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[Meliodas' POV]

I'm still nervous to tell Estarossa... because he still doesn't know how or why..The nurse had Diane sit in the wheelchair with King before she wheeled them out as they began to talk. Estarossa sighed as he looked back at us. "What actually happened?" He asked, he looked angry but he asked with worry aswell. "King's not lying..he did hurt himself-" I said. "But how? Why? When? I was home before any of you were." He pointed out and Ban sat up in his seat glancing at me and Elizabeth.

"Okay, look I'll start okay.?" Elizabeth told him and he nodded waiting for her to start. "You know how King really likes Diane?, Well, I helped him write her a love letter since he was too shy to speak with her. When he was working on a letter at your house he left it on his bed and Diane found it. She realized something and snapped out of her weird world, I noticed how she was acting around him and it turns out she started having feelings for him too!" Elizabeth said. Me and Ban kept quiet but Estarossa decided to question her. "Yeah but how does this relate to-" Ban cut him off "because the night we were playing truth or dare I dared her to kiss King in his sleep. We all promised to keep it a secret from him but the thing is, yesterday morning when we were talking about it he overheard somehow. Then at lunch was when shit went down-" Ban said and Estarossa looked very worried but continued to listen.

"Yeah...Diane and King were talking at the table. They got there before anyone else but me and Ban came over and she seemed frustrated. She yelled at us and ran out as Elizabeth was walking in. Elizabeth ran after her. When they came back Diane seemed fine but Elizabeth told me and Ban that she was upset because she was trying to talk to king." I said feeling bad now that I think about it. We shouldn't have barged in there like that if we knew she's been trying to speak with him. Estarossa was frowning, continuing to listen as we all practically took turns telling what happened. I took a breath as Elizabeth started to continue the story once more. "When we all had our food king started asking if something happened the night before. The question surprised us all but he looked nervous but played it off as a joke when everyone seemed so tense...H-He looked so nervous and scared after that so I took him out of the lunchroom to talk to him about it. He started panicking when he told me that he knew what happened. He kept questioning things like 'she doesn't like me? Does she? No she hates me!' and stuff like that" Elizabeth had to take a breath before speaking again. "But I told him that she likes him and she wouldn't hate him. When I managed to calm him down we went back into the lunchroom. He seemed happy. He even took out a paper and wrote Diane another letter. But when he gave it to her he looked nervous and ran off. We t-tried looking for h-him but-"

Elizabeth's face was getting red and she looked like she was going to cry. I got up and hugged her. She hugged back and Ban began to speak. "But he left school. We tried calling him or texting him but he didn't answer..I think he panicked." Ban said and I nodded thinking the same. "I canceled football for the day and Diane cancelled cheerleading so we can go find him." I said and Elizabeth laid her head on my shoulder trying to calm herself. I felt really bad... Elizabeth thinks it's her fault because she told him..It's no one's fault not even King's fault.. "and that's when you ran to the house and asked for him?" Estarossa asked and I nodded. "We went back outside to think on where he could be-" I said "and I thought he was at his own house so we ran there." Ban then said. Estarossa nodded, "but where did you find him?" He asked sounding more sympathetic.

Elizabeth lifted her head from my shoulder, "in his house on t-the floor.... unconscious and in a pool of h-his own blood. Meliodas a-and Ban were upstairs looking for him but Diane was the one who found him. She was s-so upset. I-I just froze..H-He looked so d-de-" I cut her off before she could even say it. I pushed her head back into my shoulder and ran my hand through her soft hair to calm her. "Shh it's okay.." I hushed her. " you called nine one one and had them take him..?" Estarossa asked with a sigh. Ban nodded. "Yeah Meliodas did..I had to hold Diane down because she was throwing a fit because she wanted him awake..she was as scared as everyone else.. Elizabeth looked like she didn't know what to do but she stayed in the kitchen with King." Ban said lowly probably remembering how upset Diane was..."and that's it..?" Estarossa asked.

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