A Relationship

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[King's POV]

She was kissing me?! She broke it,still holding my face. I was shocked!! The color in her face was one I've never seen on her before! "Harlequin! I'm so happy you're okay!" I heard her voice crack as she let go of my face. I didn't know what to do!!! Or what to say!! "I-I thought I was gonna lose you A-And not be able to tell you!" I saw the tears in her eyes. Then, I noticed everyone else was in the room. Elizabeth was smiling but was crying..why? Meliodas was standing by her wiping his eyes like he didn't want to cry. Ban was the only one who was able to hide it the most. Diane then hugged me, I felt her crying on my bare shoulder, my eyes widened. I pulled up my arms, they were both very shaky but I managed to wrap them around her to hug her back. I don't want her crying over me.

"H-Hey...don't..don't cry over me..it's okay" I said to her yet she continued to cry and let go of me. She looked at me with sadness and happiness all in one expression. "No! I'm crying over you because I love you! Now don't tell me otherwise! Don't do it again!! I-I thought you were gonna die A-And if you did t-then I didn't know what I was going to D-Do!" She then started sobbing. I was so shocked when I tried saying something it wouldn't work!! Why!!? "Please don't do it again? Please?! I'll give you all the love you deserve just don't leave me!" Diane begged through her cries. She hugged me again, I felt her heart racing and I felt every sob she let out. Her words and state teared me up and I couldn't even control it, I just started crying when I hugged back for the second time.

At this moment I felt like I let everyone down...I felt like I disrespected them all...I felt so selfish for what I did at this point in time it's not even funny. I have friends...I've had friends who wanted to be there for me but I ran away or pushed them away thinking I can deal with it on my own. I'm such a bad friend..I couldn't even cry properly because how shaky my weak body was. "I-I'm s-s-sorry I'm so h-horrible!!" I cried out shaking in her arms. "I'm s-so selfish I-Im so stupid-" I couldn't even speak anymore because my own cries had cut me off. Diane sniffled and hugged me closer to her, she started rubbing the back of my head holding my head to her shoulder. "Shh..your really not those things...your amazing..polite..well mannered..you care about so many little things that sometimes don't even matter." Diane said and continued to pet my head. I felt so bad, seeing how sad Diane is.. seeing how sad the others are right now just makes me feel worse..I worried them to the limit and I'm just so stupid..

I kept crying and that's when everyone else came over. "She's right you know-" I heard Ban say. "Yeah and it really doesn't matter if you made stupid decisions...we all do.. we're all human we all make a bad choice once in a while..no one is truly perfect." Meliodas said when I heard another sniffle from Diane. I felt that she was starting to calm down and I wanted to do the same. I was trying to calm myself down, I shut my eyes and kept having to wipe my tears. Diane sat on the bed by me, continuing to hug me. "Hey..." Elizabeth started, I heard her voice crack and a sniffle escape her. "You don't have to feel so bad about yourself King...and you don't have to feel bad for any of us either, we're your friends, family, we'll always be with you." Elizabeth finished as if it was a promise.

"R-Really? Y-You'll do that??" I asked, when she mentioned friends and family I smiled. Any family would be nice, I don't care what kind. Someone to stay with, talk to, and pretty much have is something I've always wanted. "Yes" Elizabeth said as Diane was letting go of me. She moved my hair back, kissed my forehead then smiled at me, "Yeah, one big family" she agreed. I wiped my eyes once more finally stopping the tears that were streaming down my face. I heard a small chuckle from Ban, "yeah, you guys can be the parents of the group, we'll be your children!" He said which made me giggle. Diane smiled more and laughed a bit too. Meliodas had sat down in a chair by my bed. "That's silly" Elizabeth giggled to sitting by Meliodas.

"Yeah but we're family!" Ban smiled. He'd just brightened the mood. "Hey I know you guys are busy with him, but I do have to bring him breakfast and check his intravenous system-" said the same nurse from yesterday who walked in the room. "Oh that's okay!" Diane said and got off of my bed, she stepped aside so the nurse can come over to me. The nurse looked at me and frowned. "You look worse...what happened?? did you try to pull the tubes out again?" She asked and pulling one of my arms over to check if the IV tubes were in my arm properly. "N-No.." I said and she looked at me like she knew I was lying. I wanted to but I was to weak to do so. And plus I'm not going to anymore. "I'm serious, you can't pull these out! Don't do it or even try it again!" The nurse scolded me, the look on everyone's face just made me look down ashamed. "I-I didn't I just didn't sleep.." I said being mainly honest. I heard Diane sigh in relief. "Okay..I'm sorry you didn't sleep but you have to eat okay? Your tubes seem fine-" the nurse then turned to face Ban, Captain,Diane and Elizabeth. "Make sure he doesn't mess with the IV, it's what's keeping him alive, giving him his blood back, just stay with him so I can get him something to eat." She said and everyone nodded. Ban ran over to a bookbag and take a plastic container out. He followed the nurse out of the room talking about who knows what.

[Diane's POV]

I heard he tried taking the IV out of himself...that made me frown. When the nurse left and Ban followed her, I looked at him. Now that she mentioned it, he's pale...very pale. He looked tired and hurt. I saw the bags under his eyes...he didn't seem to have an ounce of sleep. He didn't have a shirt on and I saw every burn and blister he'd gotten two days ago from Howzer...he did have the rest of the hospital night gown on the lower half of his body. He has bandages wrapped around both of his arms, each arm had a tube coming out of it, leading to a packet attached to a machine that was next to his bed. It had red fluids flowing through it, I already knew it was blood. He looked ashamed and I felt bad so I walked back over to him and crawled in the bed with him. I sat next to him and pulled the covers up on both of us, I didn't want him cold.

He gave me a tired smile. I grabbed his hand and held it, he was so shaky... probably from the blood loss. It can make a body very weak when a main fluid is drained from them. His touch was cold, I'm glad I covered him. I returned the smile, "how come you didn't sleep?" I asked and he shrugged "I don't..like it here.." he said,his smile disappearing. He was sitting up a bit but I put my free hand on his chest and had him lay down. I laid down by him and put my head on his. "Why don't you like it? They're taking care of you" I told him. I noticed how Meliodas and Elizabeth were quiet. They were holding hands too, that made me smile a bit. Elizabeth smiled at me, I knew how she was crying earlier but she was still a little teary eyed.

"It's plain...colorless..a place of death and illness..,disability...the place that failed to save many lives including my sister's..." He said looking down at the blanket. I gave a nice squeeze to his hand and kissed his head. "Shhh....this place also saved many lives...this place saved your life, and many others...That's something you need to stop doing.." I told him. He stayed quiet for a second then responded. "What do I need to stop doing..?" He asked like he didn't know..of course he doesn't know.."you need to stop overthinking and thinking negatively...it's not good for you" I said, "yeah King you might not think you do but you do kinda overthink a lot-" Meliodas said. "Mhm- and not to mention the Negative thoughts too, that's the source of your insecurities" Elizabeth said and I nodded. "Oh..I don't..I don't know how to not think like that...that's how I've always thought.." Harlequin said lowly.

I frowned slightly, "we'll find a way to help eventually" Meliodas said and then I smiled. "Yeah." I agreed. King nodded and yawned. Poor Harlequin...he's so tired..."look what I got!!!" Ban said with a smile walking into the room with a plate that had sliced toast with butter, bacon, sausage, and eggs, sunny side up! I fiddled with the remote the was by the bed and hit the up button. The bed's matress electronically moved up and stopped when it had me and Harlequin sitting up. Hospital beds are interesting. Ban set the plate on his lap and we let go of each other's hands so he could eat. "I made it just for you bud!" Ban said and lightly ruffled Harlequin's hair. "Thanks, you didn't have to" he said giving Ban a smile that he so gladly returned. "But I wanted to, and I promised you last night over the phone! So eat up! It'll give you some energy!" Ban said, and I smiled at them both.

Harlequin giggled a bit and picked up a piece of toast taking a bite from it, eating it with a small smile. I smiled seeing him smile. Then, the nurse came back in. "I have some medicine for you to take if you want to sleep after you're done digesting your food" she offered showing him two pink pills that both had the letter 'B' on them. "No, I'm not taking medicine, my body will sleep when it wants to" he answered a little coldly. Does he not like meds? "Okay, if you want them I'll leave them here on the table" she said placing the pills on a napkin then rested the napkin on the table across the room and walked out. "How come you don't want the medicine?" Elizabeth asked when the nurse left. "Uhm, because one I'm eating and two, I'm not sleeping and having you guys probably get all happy to see me just to see me sleep" he said bluntly which made Meliodas and Ban laugh.

"Hey..I know it's a weird time to ask you guys this-" Elizabeth started pointing to me and king. "Buuut are you guys a thing??? Or what??" She asked smiling. I blushed and looked over at Harlequin who stopped eating,a piece of toast in his mouth, then he looked over at me like he was nervous to answer. I smiled at him, "would you l-like to b-be??" He asked me after he took the toast from his mouth. I nodded, "Mhm- " I answered and he smiled. Elizabeth literally cheered and Ban and Captain high-five'd!! "That's a yes!!!" Elizabeth squealed. I giggled and Harlequin was cheering quietly to himself, I found it adorable. "YaY!!" I heard him whisper. He took his bitten toast and held it up to me,"want some?" He asked, I couldn't say no if he had such a sweet smile!! "Sure" I took a bite right where he did, and he bit his lip still smiling. Awww!!!

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