Writing The First Letter

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[Elizabeth's POV]

King started to write things that were very sweet. I pushed my sisters away, "give him space!" I whispered to them and Margaret crossed her arms. "C'mon! I wanted to supervise! You know?" She said and I rolled my eyes "okay- whatever go ahead." I said and she went back over and stood by the desk watching King write. Veronica didn't mind- "I have homework to do so I'll do it in here and help when you guys need it-" she said and walked out of the room to get her backpack.

She walked back in Margaret's room just as I was leaving the room. I headed down the stairs and looked around. "What am I down here for again..?" I asked myself not being able to remember. I sighed and walked back up the stairs just to remember what I was about to do!! I hate when that happens!! I turned around and went right back down the stairs passing by the living room and walking to a door in the dinning room. I knocked on the door lightly, my father responded, "yes?" He asked and I opened the door and walked into his somewhat organized study room.

"Father, I have a friend over and me Veronica and Margaret are trying to help him out with something, I was wondering if he could stay for dinner so we can continue helping him when we're done!" I said and he finished writing something on some papers then stood up from his desk with a smile. "Sure, I was just about to make dinner anyway! Thanks for letting me know" he said and I nodded. We both walked out of his study. He left for the kitchen and I walked out the dinning room, passed the living room and went back upstairs.

"That's adorable Harlequin! You really like her huh??" I heard Margaret ask him as I walked in the room. I saw him nod and her shout in awe again. "AWw!". Veronica giggled, she was sitting on Margaret's bed working on her homework. "Dad said he can stay for dinner! And we can help him out more if he still needs it when we're done!" I said making my sisters cheer. I heard King giggle and I saw Margaret's eyes widened! "I never! And I repeat NEVER!! Heard a boy giggle before!-" she said and I laughed at her reaction. "I bet Diane will find that very cute!~" she teased him and I heard him whine!

"You guys have so much in common!! You tease too much!!" He whined making us all laugh! "Someone's blushing!!~" Veronica teased and he whined again. "StaHhhp!!" He whined leaning his head back. I saw how red his face was and it made me laugh. I walked over to the plate of snacks Veronica left on the floor and puckered my lips as I picked it up. "You shouldn't leave the snacks on the floor next time Veronica!" I scolded her and she laughed. I shook my head with a smile and set the plate on the desk Harlequin was working at. When I placed it down he took a cracker and put it in his mouth and continued to write.

I tilted my head, I was only able to see the first sentence he wrote on the paper. He labeled it 'can I share a secret with you?' I read the first sentence with a face of awe! It was sweet so far!

'My heart began to thump, when I bumped into you'

He's writing her a poem! So sweet! I can't wait to read it when he's done. "Hey! Don't erase that! Keep it! It's great! We can have you rewrite it so it'll be nice for her okay? What you have right now is great keep going!" Margaret said to him and he stopped erasing what he was trying to erase and started writing again. I could tell he was putting a lot of thought into his open and that made me smile.

I wen off to help Veronica with her homework. Over the couple minutes it took Margaret kept encouraging what he was writing and what she was doing for him made me proud of her! After those couple minutes king jumped up with the paper in his hands. "I'm done!!!" He cheered! I jumped up and so did Veronica. We both ran over to him. Margaret took the paper and read it aloud as we read along and listened.

"Can I share a secret with you?" Margaret began-

"My heart began to thump"

"When I bumped into you"

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