The Night At The Hospital

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[King's POV]

I opened my eyes, waking up in an unfimiliar room...where am I?? I...I thought I was dead..I looked around seeing blurry white clothes...I looked over next to me to see some weird that an IV? I immediately sat up but felt a rush of lightheadedness which made me My vision had gotten better now that I was fully awake and aware of my surroundings. Why am I here?! "Oh your awake! With the amount of blood you lost we thought you'd be in a coma!" Some lady said like it was a good thing. I looked at the IV tubes that were going into my now bandages arms...I felt weak...I went to reach for the tube and noticed my hand shaking slightly.

I grabbed it, but who I'm assuming was the nurse grabbed my arm and pulled it away. "You can't do that, leave it alone. If you pull that out you could die. You need to regain the blood you lost-" she said but I gave her a blank stare. "You really think I care? I don't want to be here-" I said about to grab the tube and pull it right out of my bandages arm but the nurse pulled my arm away, I winced in pain and she pushed me back having me lay back down. " haven't gotten to the best part of your life is all...give it another try.." she said referring to life itself..I didn't want to..not after what I just found out..

No one fucking cared about me....I was a disappointment to my little sister... to everyone that knows me... especially Diane... I don't want to be in a world where I'm not wanted...I'd rather go to hell...and burn with the rest of the unwanted criminals,murderers,and the bad people of the world because that's where I belong... "Ms....what time is it..?" I asked and she stood up straight and glanced at a clock that was on the wall. "10:43 pm" she simply answered... "How long was I here..?" I questioned and the nurse sat in a chair by my bed.

"You were here for about six hours...the doctor presumed that you were left laying in your kitchen for at least an hour because of how much blood you had such a weak was so hard to get you to breath normally again. Your friend gave one of the medics his number so we can call when you're allowed to be visited. But unfortunately... visiting hours were over at I will contact them and tell your friends that you're awake so they can visit you tommorow." She said and explained..I just.. listened. I felt like shit and realized I wasn't in my school uniform anymore..I had some hospital gown on but it only covered my lower half for some reason.

I THEN realized it was because of the blisters and burns from yesterday...from that idiot who got expelled...they shouldn't have expelled him..I was supposed to be gone today..I heard the nurse sigh. "Do you want anything? I could get you something to eat or drink!" She said and I shook my head. "I'll go call your friend then, do you wanna come?" She asked and I wasn't sure how I was going to...I'm hooked up to and IV..but I nodded.

She ended up bringing a wheelchair in...really? I'm not some crippled old man.."I can walk you know-" I said and she shook her head. "You'll fall over if you try, you lost almost sixty percent of your blood, your body is weak" she said and I just nodded not caring anymore. She had set up the IV on a pole. It's called an intravenous pole. She connected the wheeled pole to the wheelchair then carefully helped me sit up. She's right!! I felt how limb I was. Everything was weak and shaking like I'd been beaten with a bat until I gave in!! She helped me stand..that's when I felt like falling. I couldn't even keep myself up. She made sure she tied the gown around me before she sat me in the wheelchair.

"There you go! Now we can call your friends!" She said and wheeled me out of the blank hospital room..they should really add color to their hospital rooms... it'd be less...scary..or creepy.. she pushed me passed a couple rooms and turned a hall that brought us to an elevator. She pressed a button which opened the elevator doors. She pushed me in then pulled me back, walking around me to push another button on the keypad that had numbered buttons.

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