A Long Awaited Conversation

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[Diane's POV]

I hated seeing him like that! I barely did anything!! Why couldn't I stop it! He's bleeding! It's my fault! Howzer came over because he saw me! I felt so bad. But I'm glad he tried fighting for his sister. Those mean things he said were cruel..I continued to hold the rag to his nose. I got it from my locker..I took us to the cheerleader locker rooms..I sniffled and wiped my face.

"I-I'm fine! I jus-" I cut him off. "You aren't fine King!! Just say something other than that!! I know you aren't okay!! You're crying! You're bleeding! Please! Talk to me!!" I yelled at him and begged him feeling my eyes water. I was starting to hate the way he was trying to hide everything! He opened his mouth to say something. "Please!!" I begged once more watching as the rag grew with the color red.

I turned the rag to a clean side and put it back to his bleeding nose. Elaine was right he is so stubborn! She was right in so many ways! "Maybe later..?" He said quietly as if he was questioning me. I sighed, "whenever you wanna talk. It doesn't have to be me! J-Just talk to someone!" I wiped my face again. I finally managed to stop the tears of guilt from leaking down my cheeks and I guess king did too because I didn't see any of his tears anymore..I noticed his cheek was red. Probably forming a bruise? He did get hit in the face.

"Hey wanna go to the nurse?" I asked after a minute but he shook his head. "No it's okay, every time I go to the nurse she asks if I wanna call my parents and ask for them to pick me up or something but I don't have parents. How many damn times do I gotta tell them?" He said with a small laugh."And I can't be absent or anything because I have no one to write me a more- I have no legal guardian, so none of my absences can be excused. That's why I always go to school." He said and I nodded.

"Have you ever wondered why you never known your parents?" I asked curiously. "I have, but I don't bother because I have no leads so I just never cared." He stated shrugging it off. I frowned "so how were you raised??" I asked a little confused. "Old neighbors, they were nice- but the kids around there weren't so they bought a house down here and that when I came down here-" he informed with a simple tone.

"Ohhh!!! That makes sense!" I giggled. He smiled a bit and I took the rag from his face and smiled. "Your nose stopped bleeding!" I stated happily using a clean corner of the rag to clean the stained blood under his nose and placed the rag on the floor."You need ice for your cheek though-" I said pointing to his cheek that started to grow with more colors other then red, it was a little more purplish blue now.

"No I don't it shouldn't be that bad!-" he said as if he were uneasy. I puckered my lips and poked his cheek. He winced and jumped a bit "H-Hey!!" He whined and I stood up crossing my arms looking down at him. "You do need ice!!" I said then took out my phone and began texting Elizabeth hoping she answered. 'hey can you come down to the cheer leading locker rooms? Make sure you bring ur stuff please' I texted Elizabeth and put my phone down on the bench. "Hopefully she answers!"

I smiled down to him and then looked around the room. I realized the boys had football practice today and I have the cheerleader squad to deal with. "Who answers?" King asked still sitting on the bench with his little bear. I dodged the question by asking him one. "Hey king do you have any after school programs to do?" I asked walking over to the cheer closet and opening it peering in at our supplies. Everything at this school is old and so are the uniforms! It's sad!

"Hm? No, I usually go home. The only thing I'm apart of is the band but that's its own class-" he said from where he sat. "Oh? Don't you go next period?" I asked and I heard him giggle from behind me. He's such a girl!! It's so funny! "Yeah! They took away my gym class and replaced it with instrumental music- or band known as the simple term!"

He answered like a little nerd! He's actually really smart! He organizes his notes and he's actually ahead of most of the classes, in math anyway. But I saw his grades before and when I tell you they are high, I mean they are high!! He's an all A student! "Hm- I guess you're one of the best players??" I asked finding an old pack of party streamers, the ones we'd use for special games- I tossed them aside.

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