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The yelling from upstairs scared me. It scared everyone. The look of fear on Ban's and Estarossa's face showed as much fear as my face showed. Who knows what king could have done!! The next moment all of us snapped out of it when we heard glass shatter?! And Zeldris yelling more! "AH!- Harlequin! Calm down!!" Just then all three of us ran from the dinning room and to the stairs. We bolted up the stairs and quickly turned the hall to the doorway of the bathroom.

We all the doorway of the bathroom to see King crying his heart out and Zeldris struggling to pull him from shards of glass that were everywhere! I heard Estarossa gasp as I went in and helped Zel pull king out of the bathroom. Ban was confused and didn't seem to know what to do. "I'll get a broom and clean that!" I heard Estarossa say before he rushed away to grab cleaning materials.

"W-What Happened??" I asked feeling like shit knowing I left him up here by himself.. "I heard him yelling! A-And he was crying when I opened the door! H-He tried hitting the mirror and I wanted to pull him away but he managed to h-hit it!" Zel quickly explained, I heard his voice crack and I knew when Zel sees people sad it makes him sad..I looked up from Zel to see Harlequin storming away! I was about to grab him until Ban did.

Ban grabbed his arm but he quickly turned and pulled his arm from Ban's grip. The tears running down his bright red face made me feel bad for him..but he looked mad..not even just mad..he looked pissed! "Leave m-me alone!!" King yelled and turned back and stormed off to his room. I ran up to his room but he ran out pushing me out of his way. He had his backpack on and something in his hands that I couldn't quite make out.

"King wait!!" Me and Ban said at the same time and jumped up to chase him down the stairs. I almost got a grip on him,to pull him back, to talk to him!, But Estarossa got in the way and I ran into him!! I accidentally knocked him over and we both fell. Ban ended up tripping over us as the door was slammed in our faces...

A sudden shocked silence filled the room..

[Diane's POV]

I was on my way to school glued to the screen of my phone. I've been trying to text Elizabeth since that fight happened yesterday! I have a small scratch on my face from her but...I don't care..Ban made me spill out what happened..and I told him..him and Estarossa.. they're so hard to pass by with things like that..they are close friends..yeah..they tease a lot but they are my friends..

My fingers kept working and hesitantly typing things that I wanted to apologise for. After a long paragraph was sent I deleted it all! All of it! "She's upset with me! She isn't gonna read it!!" I yelled at myself and closed the message app putting my phone away in my bag. I sighed. "No wonder Meliodas doesn't like me.." I murmured sadly to myself as I walked.

Me and Elizabeth usually see eachother and walk to school together..but I doubt she wants to..or even talk to me. I hurt her. Because of my stupid jealous self! I looked down at the sidewalk as I walked slowly down the street thinking about the mean things I said to her yesterday and the way I hurt her physically. She always use to wait for me at the corner of friendship street because it was our favorite street. It was our meeting point..

I sighed and stopped, looking up at the sign of the street. Not realizing that I had stopped at the curb to see the sign of friendship street. I frowned and jumped when I heard a small gasp. I turned and saw Elizabeth!! What is she doing here!? I gripped at the side straps of my backpack and nervously looked at her. She had a hand over her mouth with a look of surprise and fear on her face?..

Her bangs went over her right eye but I got a glimpse of a small bruise on her right cheek right under her eye and just under her bangs.. I immediately regret hitting her. There was a silence between us..a long one. We both opened our mouths, about to speak until someone ran by and pushed me!! I fell back on my butt! But I realized the person had run into me! And we both fell over! "H-Hey!!-" I shouted but stopped yelling when I saw him, it was king.

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