Wanting To Tell

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[Elizabeth's POV]

As I walked over to our usual lunch table I was smiling until Diane yelled and slammed her fist on the table?! King grabbed her and questioned her but she pulled herself from his grip and walked away as I came up to the others with a worried confused expression. "Where's Diane going?!" No one answered. I put my bag down and I ran out following her. She ran in the girls bathroom and I ran in after her. She looked frustrated and sad. She sat on the floor of the bathroom hugging her knees and started crying?! She's crying?! What happened?!

I ran over to her and sat next to her. I hugged her..she looked like she needed it. She just cried. "Diane what happened what's wrong?" I asked rubbing her back over her cries. I felt so bad. I don't like when my bestie cries... She sounded so sad and it made me tear up. "We went to gym A-And Harlequin d-didn't have a shirt A-And I heard o-other girls t-talking about him. O-One of them was trying to a-ask him o-out but I wanted to s-so I yelled at them!! A-And after we c-changed she tried talking to him so I p-pulled him away and took him to lunch A-And he was worried. H-He asked me what was wrong and W-Why I yelled I didn't tell him!! A-And when I was about to tell him Ban and Meliodas came and messed it up!!! I wanted to tell him!" She cried and my eyes widened. "Tell him what Diane..?" I asked quietly, still hugging her and rubbing her back to sooth her.

"T-That I like him! I-I like him a lot and it's so hard to talk to him about it!!" She cried more with some sobs that made me frown. "Hey...talk to him whenever you want..okay? And..guess what?" I asked her and she looked up at me with her sad watery eyes. I wiped her tears and gave her a small smile. What are best friends for? "Now you know how he feels.." I said and she sat up and gasped. "T-That's how he feels?! Is that why he's so nervous to talk to me?!" She asked and I slowly nodded as I watched her begin to wipe her tears away.

"D-Does that mean he likes me a lot?" She asked and I giggled a bit, "he has since he's met you Diane" I simply answered and she sniffled standing back up and I followed standing after she did. "Calm down Diane, even if some other girl asked him out he'd say no, he likes you too much to just stop crushing on you silly!" I giggled a little more and she smiled. She hugged me so I hugged back "Thanks! I-I just didn't know what to do!" She said and I nodded. After a moment I cleaned her up so she didn't look like she was crying and we went back to the lunchroom.

As we walked back to our table I saw the relief in King's face. I smiled and we sat down. Diane sat next to King and I sat next to Meliodas. He looked at me and I glared at him and crossed my arms. "W-What?!" He asked. Ban looked confused. "C'mon King, let's go get lunch" Diane said and king nodded going in the line to get some lunch. "Diane was trying to talk to king and you guys ruined it!" I scolded them and Ban spit out a bite of an apple he took. "Wait what?!" He asked me and I nodded. "She's sitting here trying to tell him and you budded in and it made her cry!" I continued to cross my arms.

"Shit! I'm sorry" "sorry! My bad!" They both quickly apologized and I rolled my eyes "apologise to her not me!" I told them and glanced where king and Diane were in the lunch line. I could tell they were talking but, what about.? "Okay.." Meliodas said and Ban was still shocked and went back to eating his apple. I pulled out my phone, "guys guess what?" I asked and they both looked at me curiously. I pulled up a video on my phone from last night!!! I filmed when Diane kissed king!! I showed it to them. Ban smirked and Meliodas laughed "I can't believe you filmed that!!!" He laughed and I giggled and put my phone away when king and Diane came over with their food.

"Sorry-" both Ban and Meliodas mouthed to Diane and she nodded looking like she didn't care about it anymore. I took out my lunchbag and took out a PB and J sandwich! Yum! I love it! It might be old school but it's peanut butter!!! "H-Hey uhm.." king started and we all looked at him. "W-What happened last night?" King asked and we all looked at each other. Diane looked nervous, Ban's eyes widened, Meliodas didn't know what to say and I froze! King glanced at us all with suspicion.."I really feel like something happened and no one is telling me.." he kinda frowned. DID HE FIGURE US OUT?! DAMNIT!! DOES HE KNOW?! DIANE IS PROBABLY SO SCARED!!

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