The New Bully

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[kíng'ѕ pσv]
I kept thinking about Diane, that girl I walked into by mistake. Most of my classes are with her! I don't know why I keep thinking of her- yes I do! She's the first girl I ever talked to besides my sister! She's nice and she even smiled at me! Her eyes are something so deep I can get lost in. But I barely know her!! "hey King what's up bro?" ban asked but I was too lost in my thoughts about Diane. Maybe I should try and talk to her! Yeah! No! What?! I don't know!!! I messed around with my pencil. I had my head down an angle to where I can see her. She was talking with Captain and Ban. She looked so cheerful when she was talking with captain. I stared at her and for some reason my cheeks were getting hot! I don't feel sick! The bell rang and our class was over. "hey Diane, he has most of your classes. Can you help him around?" Captain asked as we stood up packing our things. "yeah sure! Anything for you captain!" she said cheerfully then we left class. With Ban and Meliodas going one way, me and Diane the other.

I herd her mumbling to herself. About how 'cute' Captain was. For some reason I didn't like that. When me and Diane got to literacy I noticed someone glaring at me. He had weird blonde hair and dark purple eyes. Diane's violet eyes were way better. Diane sat down and when the teacher saw me she smiled. "hello! I am Ms. V! What is your name sir?" she bowed weirdly with a book. "uhm... H-Harlequin. " I said and she stood up and smiled. She pointed to the kid who glared at me earlier. "sit next to Howzer please!" she said. I was nervous but I walked over and sat with him
He was definitely way taller than me. I was uneasy. I felt tense around this kid. But, Elaine wants me to make friends. Ms. V began her lesson. I looked over at Howzer and smiled "H-" I was going to say hi but he cut me off. "don't talk to me kid" he said as he wrote in his notes. I frowned "w-why?" I asked and he looked at me. "because you look pathetic!" he snarled towards me. "what were you even doing thinking about talking to Diane?" he asked moving his face closer to mine as her glared at me. I backed up and looked at him. "h-hey! C-C-Calm down! No need to g-get physical. " I said out of fear. he backed up and laughed "C-C-Calm down!" he mocked getting laughs from other kids in the room. He's mean.. I hid my face in my backpack, with my lips quivering. Howzer nudged me laughing still "you gonna cry?" he said and kept nudging me. This is bringing back bad bad memories. I hugged my bag chastiefol tighter. I couldn't take this, if he kept talking I would start crying! Last time I was bullied so many bad things happened to me. "Hey Harlequin! Why do you s-s-s-stutter so much?" Howzer asked getting more laughs... He was mocking me again. It just kept reminding me of my old school. All of the voices.... I might start cutting myself again! I took my face out of my chastiefol with my lips still quivering. "s-stop!" I said but he grinned. "no you can't make me, you should stay away from Diane okay?" he said and poked my chest. I looked back at Diane and she was looking at me.. My lips were still quivering but I had the courage to say this. "leave me alone, and no I'm not listening to you!" I said which seemed to have made him mad. "listen here punk!" he said poking me again but really hard. "if you even talk to her i'll kick your ass! Don't test me. I'll make sure you go home with enough cuts and bruises to say you got hit by a car!" he said coldly. How come the teacher didn't hear this?! I started tearing up. I felt my face getting red. I don't want to get beat up again! It hurts! "but I didn't -" he cut me off. "I said stay away from her, don't talk to her, or even look at her. Your a waste of her time and she doesn't like pathetic losers like you!" he said coldly. I just met her! But.. I really like her. "I'm not a loser.. " I said with my voice cracking. "wow! He's such a baby!-" he turned to a kid sitting behind us and started fake sobbing. "I-Im the pathetic loser who cries like a little bitch!!" he said quietly. The whole conversation was quiet. It was blocked out by the voices of the others talking. That's probably why the teacher didn't hear. The kids laughed and giggled at me. I felt the tears in my eyes. Then the teacher started her lesson. Throughout the lesson Howzer taunted me and teased me. He would lean over and call me several rude things "bitch-" "crybaby-" "you're so pathetic-" "I bet you cut yourself. Is that why you wear long sleeves?" he said one time. I held back everything then the bell rang! My eyes finally started bawling and tears ran down my face. I ran out of the room crying. I heard someone call me as I ran out but I ignored it.

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