Self Blame

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[Ban's POV]

Meliodas finally came back. Zel said hi to him and waved...and he waved back but he seemed off. Meliodas looked around and suddenly yelled seeming panicked. "Wait! Where's King?!" I jumped up and looked around "He was just right here!" I said and Zel got up too, same with Estarossa until King walked out from the dinning room holding a bear? "I'm right here.." he said muffled into an old stuffed bear? A teddy bear?! This kid really got some problems if he needs a teddy bear! "Thank the gods!" Me and Meliodas said at the same time. I sat back down and relaxed like I was before.

Meliodas ran over to king hoarding him with questions. "Everything okay? You need something?!" He asked with so much worry it concerned me. But it makes sense, Cap'n is that kinda guy- "I-I'm fine I was just looking for something small to eat-" I heard King say lowly. That's my cue!!! I jumped up and over the couch giving Meliodas and King a bit of a surprise! Heh, shorties! "I gotchu bro!!" I patted King's back "what do you wanna eat?" I asked making Cap'n chuckled.

The next thing I know this dude didn't care what he was fed he just wanted food! I made my dude some waffles!! I'm savin' that bacon for breakfast sandwiches tommorow!! King was finished eating and stood up with that old bear in his left arm. He came over to me and smiled a bit,looking up at me. "Thanks Ban.." he is kinda a mess..not gonna lie. He looked drained,tired,and stressed. He was doing that leg bouncy thing as he ate! Anyway- basically,he looks like shit- that's all I can say.

He walked over to Cap'n and tried to hug him? I tilted my head in confusion when king brought his arms back and hugged the bear he had. Meliodas seemed to give a look of concern, the just hugged him. "Thanks for letting me stay..I don't need to be here you know.." he said lowly as Meliodas patted his back and let go of him. "Hey! You have to be here! Your frickin awesome!" I said making Meliodas and myself laugh. King smiled more. "What's with the PG 13 language??" Captain asked between his laughs. I pointed at Zel and he made an '0' face making me laugh more and that's when king laughed?! Everyone went quiet for the second he laughed, but then the dude put the bear over his face saying into it; "sorry!-"

I put my hand on his head and scuffed with his hair teasingly. "Don't worry about it! We're just surprised y-" Meliodas and Zel cut me off "Yeah!!", Then Estarossa laughed. King got quiet again and then Meliodas sighed. This has been a rough day for everyone hasn't it? I clapped my hands with a yawn. "Time for bed eh?" I asked. I am tired soooo, I wanna sleep. Plus I just helped Cap'n avoid a 'are you okay brother?' conversation. "Yeah c'mon!" Estarossa agreed and shoed Zel up to his room, making us all laugh.

We all headed up the stairs,Zeldris put in his room and Estarossa in his own room. "Wanna bunk with King?" He asked me, and I shrugged putting my hands up and behind my head like I always did, slouching myself back as I walked through the hall with him. "Yeah sure- got a sleeping bag or somethin'?" I asked, making him chuckle. "Yeah, I gotchu dude-" he grinned and went to a closet as I stood in the doorway of the room that I was gonna bunk in with King.

He pulled out a pillow and an actual sleeping bag! He tossed them to me and I caught them with a laugh. "Alright,night dude!-" we then shook hands and gave each other a fist bump before walking off. He probably went to his own room as I went into the one king was already in. He was sitting on the bed mumbling and hugging the bear he had. I gave him a curious look. That bear must be worth something to him huh?

I tossed the sleeping bag on the floor,setting it up. I also tossed my pillow on it and stole an extra blanket off of the bed king was sitting on, startling him, "Oh! Sorry!-" I Chuckled a bit and he nodded which told me it was cool. Then, I laid down on the sleeping bag that was surprisingly comfortable and covered myself..realizing I forgot to turn the light of. "Ugh!" I jumped up and quickly turned the light out so I could lay back down on that comfy ass bag!

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