Thrown Out

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[Ban's POV]

As soon as that asshole ran away laughing, I jumped up and ran out chasing him with anger. As I ran out I could hear King screaming and beginning to cry. I heard Elizabeth tell them to get him in the showers but nothing else as I ran out. WHAT THE FUCK DID HE POUR ON HIM!? "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!!" I yelled at him as I chased him. Howzer continued to run and it pissed me off more. That fucking pussy! How dare he run from me but pick on one of my friends!? Karma is a bitch!

He ran the corner turning the hall and that's when I picked up my pace and reached out. I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him back making him fall backwards and onto the floor. He grunted but quickly jumped up just to get punched in the face. He fell back right on his ass holding his face. "You have the balls to fuck with king but he's my friend! You fuck with him you fuck with me!!" I yelled at him again as he got up. "The wus deserved it!!.. He's fucki-" I cut him off by punching him right in the jaw. Blood came from his mouth when Howzer stepped back from the force of my punch. He covered his mouth with his hand glaring at me.

Before I could even hit the asshole again Me.Hendrickson, King and Diane's math teacher, turned the hall and ran over. "What's going on here!?" He asked quickly separating us. "That Asshole poured something on king!! He's fucking screaming his ass off!!" I yelled in anger balling my fists up. "You what!?" Hendrickson yelled and glared at the bleeding Howzer. "I-" he cut Howzer and looked back at me. "Where is he!?" He asked with concern and worry. "Showers-" I said and Hendrickson gripped up Howzer's arm. "Ow!" "I'll bring him to the principal, go find him and tell him I'm getting the nurse." Hendrickson said storming off pulling Howzer along with him and where he was going.

I nodded and quickly ran to the gym. Once I ran in I stopped to see Diane and Cap'n on the bleachers just a couple feet from the shower rooms. "Where's king!? I just beat the shit out of Howzer- is he okay!?" I asked while breathing heavily to catch my breath. Diane's face was red and so were her she was crying. "He's in there-" Captain pointed to the boys shower rooms. I made my way in there to see King on the bench wearing a towel around his torso. Elizabeth was standing by him and looked at me. "Is he alright?" I asked and king nodded. "He has some blisters and burns-" Elizabeth said and I snapped. "What the fuck did Howzer pour on him!?" I questioned with a shout. "Ammonia-" Elizabeth said lowly and I stomped my foot harshly on the ground. "THAT ASSHOLE!! I SHOULD'VE PUNCHED HIM HARDER!" I yelled balling up my fists once more.

"W-What?" King asked looking up at me. "I chased after him and beat his ass but Hendrickson found us. He's taking Howzer to the principal and getting the nurse for you-" I notified pointing to King. Elizabeth smiled and nodded. "What the fuck does he do this for!?" I asked and he quickly looked away from me hesitating but shaking his head "n-nothing.." he stuttered and I looked at Elizabeth, she gave a frown. "King...why does Howzer mess with you?" Elizabeth asked, repeating my question in a more kind way. "I-I don't know.." he bit his lip and kept from keeping eye contact with any of us.

Before I could say he was lying Diane came in, "you guys have to come out, Nurse Trish is here, she wants to see King, Hendrickson is here too" she said and I sighed. Elizabeth nodded. I walked over and helped King up and we walked out of the shower rooms. Once we made it out, Nurse Trish had king sit on the bleachers as we watched. She took the towel from him and I gritted my teeth in anger. His skin was blistered and burned! Certain areas of his skin, splotched red, some patches of skin actually peeling off!! THAT ASSHOLE BETTER GET EXPELLED!!

[King's POV]

I hate myself right now...the nurse had me sit on the bleachers and took the towel I had away from me. I heard a gasp come from her but ignored it. I looked down at myself as the nurse was digging through her bag for stuff to treat me. The nurse started asking questions and that's when I realized Hendrickson was here too- but..again..I ignored her. What did I do to get him so angry with me? Why does everyone have to beat me up.? Can't I just have one day without it? Is this what I get? Is this punishment? What did I do wrong.?

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