The Last Chapter

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[Diane's POV]

I can't believe I just did that!! I wanted to jump around and squeal in excitement!!! I was still holding his hand as we made our way to Meliodas' door, and the smile on his face showed how happy he was! He looked so excited! I could tell he was celebrating inside! I was too! I could still taste his sweet salvia and I couldn't help but blush and savor it in my mouth. And the fact at how confident and comfortable he was with doing it blew me away. Is this what he's like when he's happy.? Is that all I have to do? Just show him the love he deserves? I nodded to myself at the thought. He needs every drop of love. He deserves it!

He let go of my hand and opened the door for me! How cute! "Thanks Harlequin!" I thanked him. I walked in the house just to smell the sweet delicious food! The smell of so many flavours! Harlequin came in after I did but we didn't see anyone. I looked at him and he looked at me, he was smiling,a smile I've never seen. He was so happy, so bright. I've just noticed how his eyes shone in the light. And I've just noticed how the color in his eyes were more bold, his sweet honey eyes, the way they looked at me with happiness made me smile at him. His hair might be a little messy but he seemed so much cleaner, so much happier,so much more confident!!

"Where is everyone?? It smells so good in here!!" Harlequin exclaimed looking around. There were decorations! There were some streamers hanging from the entrance way of the dinning room so it was like a door! I followed Harlequin as he walked over to and through the streamer door and everyone was there!! "WELCOME BACK HARLEQUIN!!!" they all yelled happily. Elizabeth was smiling at us, Ban had a smirk,and Meliodas was grinning. Estarossa looked proud and Zeldris was just bursting with excitement!

I watched everyone's expressions changed from happy to worried and everyone got quiet for a moment. I looked over at Harlequin. His face was one of pure shock, and he had tears streaming down his face. He was biting down on his lip not saying anything. I watched his teary eyes look around at everything and everyone and he just broke down! "Harlequin what's wrong?!" I asked full of worry and I hugged him.

I heard Elizabeth whisper to Meliodas, she was worried, "did we hurt him?" She asked. Meliodas shrugged with a look of worry. "I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!" Harlequin shouted through his small cries. He kept apologizing, why?! "I'm sorry!! I'm so so sorry!!" I heard his voice crack. At this point I felt so bad so I just hugged him tighter and rubbed his head as he cried. "Why are you sorry?" I asked him calmly but I was still dreadfully worried at his sudden reaction. "B-Because!! I thought so many stupid things and did so many stupid things because I thought no one wanted me! No one would want me around! O-Or no one ever loved me! A-And here you guys are doing all this stuff for me, I worried all of you a-and I hurt you all!! I have friends! You guys care a-and I was too stupid to realize that!" He said sniffling and wiping his face over and over again. When I pulled him from the hug to look at him, he was smiling.

I looked at him with sympathy, and Elizabeth and everyone else smiled too when they saw his smile. "Hey! It's okay! Don't cry about it!" Zeldris cheered coming over and hugged him. Such a sweet kid. Harlequin sniffled and hugged back. Elizabeth then ran over and hugged him. "Don't worry. That's what friends are for! We'll always care!" She exclaimed. Meliodas walked over to him and gave him a fist bump, "yeah, so don't go thinking like that again. Kay?" Captain said and he nodded. Ban just rustled his hand in King's hair with a laugh, "don't worry dude! Your happy now!-" he said as Estarossa budded in "and you got a girlfriend!~" he teased ever so slightly. Harlequin laughed, he stopped crying but his eyes were still so watery. My poor emotional baby!

"Yeah silly!" I giggled and put my hand on his warm moist cheek. "We all love you! I love you! Okay? So hush!" I said and I watched his cheeks fill with the color of rosiness and I even felt him get warmer. He smiled and nodded. I kissed his little nose as Meliodas budded in. "Now let's eat!! I'm hungry!!" He shouted making everyone laugh. Once everyone was seated we were all making up plates of food. There were so many good options! Ban sat at one end of the table and Estarossa sat on the other. Meliodas and Elizabeth sat across from us and together. Zeldris had no where to sit so Meliodas let his little brother sit on his lap! I giggled at that and looked over at the boy sitting next to me... Harlequin. I smiled watching him nom on his food. Cutie! He loved those cookies that were in the middle of the table! He was shoving his face with those things!

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