The Grand Mal Seizure

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[Elizabeth's POV]

I'm so happy right now!! Diane and King!!! I think they're finally together!! King looked so happy! King was sharing his food with her and I found that adorable! I took my phone out and took a quick picture of them then put my phone away. I was sitting in a chair that was next to Meliodas'. I held his hand but he looked nervous for some reason. "What's wrong?" I whispered to him and he shook his head. He's off. "You can tell me Meliodas.." I whispered and he looked at me. "I can't right'll ruin the whole mood.." he whispered back. I glanced at Ban,Diane,and King. Ban was talking with them about something and they seemed to be having fun. I stood up still holding Meliodas' hand, making him stand with me.

"Guys, me and Meliodas will be right back okay?" I asked, "Alright!" "Okay!" Both Diane and Ban said but King just nodded with bacon in his mouth. I took Meliodas out of the room and shut the door behind me and looked down at him with worry. "What's wrong?" I asked once more. Meliodas looked down biting his lip and trying to think. "Meliodas" I gently grabbed his chin and made him look up at me. "What's wrong?" I asked him calmly but with worry.

[Meliodas' POV]

I was nervous ever since we've been in that room...I heard King talking to himself before we came in one else heard...

-Before they went to visit King-
-in the elevator-
Diane is so excited!! She was hugging King's bear and practically squealing to herself!! When the elevator dinged we went to the room that the desk guy told us to go to. "Let me see if this is the right room!" I said as we stood at the door. I quietly opened the door hearing someone talking.. "Maybe I-I can just jump off a b-building when I can walk again.." I heard King say to himself...he talked to himself for another moment but I had to shut the door quietly when Diane started whining. "Is he in there or not???" She whined quietly. I frowned as I shut the door...I put on a smile as I turned around and nodded to her. "Yeah he's in there!" I kept my smile for them as she ran in happily shouting his name...

Elizabeth dragged me into the hallway with a worried look on her face.."What's wrong?" She asked for the second time. I looked down and bit my lip. I felt bad..I didn't want king to do such things...but he said to Diane that he wasn't going to do it again...but that was just cutting himself...that's not a promise to not to jump off a building!! He could easily go up the fire escape of the school, go to the roof and just..."Meliodas" Elizabeth said softly, she placed her hand under my chin and made me look up at her. "What's wrong?" She asked again..I knew I should tell her...I should tell everyone but I'm not sure if he's going to go through with it just yet..

"I-I..." I started as Elizabeth took her hand from my face. "You what?" She asked concerned. "When we were about to walk in King's room you know how I peeked my head in to see if it was his room.?" I asked and she nodded. "What about it?" She then asked. "Well I heard him... talking to himself..." I kinda started but Elizabeth was just getting more and more worried. "About?" She asked seemingly nervous. "He said when he...when he gets better he wants to j-jump off a building-" I said, the thought of that in my head. It hurt seeing the body of him once again laying limp in my mind.

Elizabeth quickly turned to open the door but I grabbed her arm stopping her for the moment. "What are you doing?!" She asked. "What are YOU doing??" I questioned her. "Telling the others obviously!! They need to know! So we can talk to king and make him feel better!" She said but I pulled her away from the door. "Please! Not right now! I don't think he will! He just promised Diane he wouldn't cut himself again, maybe he won't go through with it if he has her!" I tried explaining. I don't want to bother him, and make him think about the things that made him want to...die...I want him and everyone else to be happy.

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