A New Day, But A Mysterious Nerve

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[King's POV]

I was beginning to wake up when I felt the warmth of someone next to me..? My head was on something soft. Something unusually soft.. As I began to wake up more I felt someone's arm around me!? That's when I fully opened my eyes and saw DIANE!? The blush that formed on my cheeks was intense. My eyes widened when I realized I was practically laying on her!!!! I quickly sat up and looked away from her whining to myself. What time is it? Isn't it Thursday?! I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, checking the time. It was '6:42 am'. I heard a yawn, the yawn of Diane.

"Morning King!" She said with a smile as I turned to her! OH MY GOSH SHE'S EVEN SWEET IN THE MORNING! "M-M-Morning!" I tried not to stutter but I didn't try hard enough. She giggled a bit. Some color tainted her sweet cheeks. Her hair was a mess, one of her pigtails were half out and it made me giggle. I pointed to her as I giggled. "W-What?" She asked. "Your hair is a mess!" I said and she crossed her arms with a pout. "Well- your hair doesn't look so neat either King!" She said puckering her lips. "S-Sorry-" I quickly apologized not wanting her to feel offended but she turned back with a smile. "Don't worry about it sleepyhead!" She giggled and I bit my lip. I got up from my bed wondering how I ended up sleeping with her! SHIT!! That thought made my chest pound. The blush on my face just grew more and I didn't know what to do!

I glanced at the nightstand and saw the letter I wrote for Diane!! SHIT!! I quickly ran over to it and hid it under other pieces of paper so Diane wouldn't see it! I sighed in relief. "Hey King?" I heard Diane ask. "Y-Yeah??!" I quickly turned back giving her a smile of which she smiled back. "You okay?" She asked and I nodded with a laugh. She giggled "okay!"

"Don't we have school?" I asked and she nodded. "I-Is it okay if I borrow one of your uniforms? I-I don't have any here-" she said and I nodded knowing that my face was red as fuck. I went over to the bin Elizabeth packed for me and pulled out one of my uniforms, does she really wanna wear a boys uniform? I went over and handed it to her. "H-H-Here-" I stuttered once again. "Thanks!" She smiled and got off the bed. I grabbed myself a uniform before walking to the door. "You can change i-in here okay? I-I'll go in the bathroom-" I told her before closing the door behind me.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and shut that door behind me. "I-I J-JUST WOKE UP ON T-TOP OF HER!! I-I S-S-SLEPT WITH H-HER!! OH M-MY GOSH!!!" I said to myself in excitement! I quickly changed into uniform and ran back to my room! I knocked on the door gently "Y-You ready?" I asked. "Yeah!" I heard her say before I opened the door. Diane was fixing her hair when I walked in and slipped my shoes on. "Beautiful.." I mumbled seeing her hair down as she was beginning to put it back up.

"WaKe uP!!!" Ban shouted from downstairs. "Shut up we're up!!!" Diane yelled and I laughed. "WAKE UP WAKE UP!!" Ban continued to yell. I heard Meliodas groan in annoyance. "BANNN SHUT UP!!" Meliodas yelled from his room making me and Diane laugh. Ban came upstairs and came in my room. "Looks who's awake!" He smirked. "Ban I swear you say anything I'll kill you!!" Diane quickly threatened which confused me. "Huh?" I asked "oh it's just Diane here-" Diane cut him off with a panicked tone, her face was so red!! "BAN SHUT UP!!!" She yelled. "Hmm? I never promised nothinnnggg!~" Ban teased and her eyes widened. I am so confused!!!

"You little!!-" Diane ran after him, Ban ran out of the room laughing as she chased him downstairs. I sighed and went over digging through a couple papers to find the letter I wrote for Diane! I smiled at it and grabbed an Envelope. I put the letter inside and quickly drew a heart on the envelope. I ran to my backpack and put the letter inside my bag. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed Fuzzy giving him a big hug! "I'm gonna try and last the day without you today okay?" I said talking to my soft bear. I placed him back on my bed reading the writing on his stomach 'from Elaine tu Harleyquin' it read and I smiled with some tears in my eyes. "Love you Elaine" I said looking up to where she might be.

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