Getting Caught

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[King's POV]

I was at Meliodas' my room sitting on my bed with some paper and a pencil trying to think on what to write for Diane. If I write about a specific thing about her she'll think I'm a creep!! Maybe I can write to her! Yeah! I began to write with the pencil I had.


I have so many thoughts of you that it melts my heart. You're someone I love being around. It's amazing that you don't know what you do to me that makes me feel like I could  bring the sun up for you. You're the reason why I want to go to school, the reason I have to smile. Sometimes I can't get you out of my head! You made my heart beat in a way I've never felt before! You are the definition of beautiful and if someone tells you otherwise don't believe them, okay?

            Your secret admirer 💕'

I smiled at the paper once I finished writing. Yes, the small burns and blisters are bothering me a bit but some of them have gone away since then. I'm very happy at the moment! The bitter thought of Diane made me smile. I felt like I could have written more but I want to save my words for other letters!

Just then, Zeldris walked in the room I was staying in. "I heard what happened..are you okay?" He asked and I nodded with a smile. "I'm fine currently, trust me I'm actually happy right now!" I said and he smiled. He came over and sat at the end of my bed. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously pointing to the letter I just had finished writing for Diane. "Writing a letter for someone-" I said the half truth."for who?" He asked "you know you could just text them right?" He asked once more and I laughed a bit.

"I can't just text her! She'll know it's me! And I can't have that! What if she doesn't feel the same?" I blurted out with the heat of a blush filling my cheeks. Zeldris smirked "you like someone!!??" He then sounded more shocked. I nodded in defeat realizing what I just said."Who?! Do I know them?!" Zel asked with so much excitement it made me laugh. "Yes you do, you know her-" I said and he began to think. "Is it Diane? I know Elizabeth is with my brother so it cant be her-" he said which shocked me! How'd he guess so quickly?!!?

But..of course my body had to react by having my cheeks go completely red! "Aw! You like Diane!! Can I see what you wrote for her???" He asked and I nodded and handed him the paper and bit my lip nervously. Zel read every word with a smile that had calmed me as I grabbed Fuzzy from next to me on the bed and hugged him. "That's very nice! It's a secret thing I'm assuming?" He questioned more as he handed me the letter. "Yes, it's kinda hard talking to her..I don't know what to say a-and I'm scared I'll embarrass myself you know?" I said and Zeldris smiled, "don't worry! I get it! Your a shy guy! Knowing Diane she'll find that cute!" Zel said in a reassuring tone that made me smile. "R-Really?!" I questioned and he nodded getting up from the end of my bed.

"Estarossa made ramen for dinner, I was supposed to get you" he said and I set the letter aside and set Fuzzy back on my bed to get up and follow the short black haired boy. "What kind of ramen??" I asked as we walked down the stairs. I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a black long sleeve turtle neck shirt and dark grey sweatpants because I didn't feel like digging for a pair of jeans or something with more color. "Chicken!" Zel responded as we made it down the stairs. I smiled and we walked into the dining room to see everyone?! Elizabeth! Ban! Diane?! Meliodas smirked at me in his seat at the table!

Elizabeth sat by captain and Ban sat by Zel and Estarossa. Shit! Shit! SHIT!!! SHIT!! I GET TO SIT NEXT TO DIANE!! AHHH!!! I was panicking inside! Everything in a rush! My heart beating like crazy and I swear my face felt like a heated up tomato!! I sat down by her and I saw Zel whispering to Elizabeth and she smiled, "yeah I know!!" I heard her whisper back. Zel ran back to his seat by Ban giving a smirk to me. I looked away and down at my food. The ramen looked very delicious! The broth sparkled in the light and the Noodles looked well done! The chicken seemed cooked well too! I smiled at the bowl of ramen! I mean, I am hungry.

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