Preparing For His Arrival

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Over the hours they spent at the hospital it was finally the day Harlequin is aloud out of the hospital. His heart rate went back to normal and doesn't have bandages on anymore. Yes,he still has marks from the cuts on his arms but they're fading away.

[Meliodas' POV]

Estarossa and Zel were already in the car waiting for me. Elizabeth, we dropped her off at home yesterday after we visited King. Same with Ban. But, Diane decided to stay with him. She spent the night with him and was texting the night she stayed. She said he didn't fall asleep until two in the morning.. I sighed feeling bad for the guy. Diane also said he was calm and all but he was off schedule. I guess we'll have to fix that when he comes back.

I jumped up off the couch after I put my shoes on and I walked to the door. I glanced around before I opened it and walked out. I shit the door behind me hearing Zel yell from the car. "Come on Mel!! We still have to pick up everyone else!" He called and I laughed walking up to the car, opening the door and sitting in the front seat right by Estarossa who was sitting in the driver's seat. "Actually, Elizabeth and Ban are going to be at the house by the time we bring king and Diane back!, They're gonna set up dinner!" I said and I glanced at the rear view mirror and saw him nod with a smile. I buckled my seat belt as Estarossa pulled out of the driveway.

We strolled down the street and I saw Elizabeth walking with a box in her hands! "Wait! Stop the car there's Elizabeth!!" I pointed to her and Estarossa stopped with a laugh. I opened my window and called out to her. "Elizabeth!!!" I shouted to get her attention. She turned and looked confused but when she saw me she smiled. She ran up to the car. "Hey! What are you still doing here?? You should have left already!" She said and Estarossa cleared his throat. "Yeah and that's this guy's fault, he took forever to find his shoes!" He said pointing to me! "Yeah!" Zel pouted and me and Elizabeth laughed. "Okay shush!" I told them. I leaned my head out of the window and kissed Elizabeth's cheek. "Good luck, Ban should be there with you soon." I smiled at her. Elizabeth blushed and smiled back. "Thanks Meliodas, see you soon!" She said then ran off to my house as Estarossa started driving again.

[Ban's POV]

It was at least two o'clock when I left my house. Me, Cap'n, Elizabeth, Zel, and Estarossa decided to plan a dinner for when Diane and King got back to Meliodas'house after they picked him up. Me and Elizabeth were in charge of cooking since Cap'n makes everything taste like barf! Estarossa couldn't help because he had to drive, Meliodas is too reckless for driving- Elizabeth said she had baked a cake for everyone to eat if they wanted some. I thought that was a perfect idea!! Cake and a good dinner to welcome my best bud and his new girlfriend!! Yes!

I had some ideas for dinner but I knew that king pretty much appreciated anything that I've ever cooked for him. I was so proud to see him smile when I brought him breakfast at the hospital yesterday! I knew he'd smile!! When I made it to Meliodas'house I opened the door and saw Elizabeth in the kitchen already! She was washing dishes and silverware when I made it to the kitchen. "Hey Ban!" She said as she held a blue sponge to a dish as she scrubbed it. "Sup" I chuckled going to the fridge, opening it and scanning the shelves for key ingredients for a good dinner.

"I put the cake on the table in the dining room" Elizabeth said over the running water. "Cool-" I said. I looked over and saw the eggs an idea snapped in my head! "Cookies!" I shouted grabbing the eggs and placing the whole carton on the already cleaned counter. Elizabeth laughed, "Wow! Got a good idea huh?" She asked. "Yes!! Now continue washing them dishes and stuff cuz I'm gonna need the cleaned stuff!" I said with a smile. I ran around the kitchen, scavenging for the ingredients I needed for the types of cookies I wanted to make. "This is gonna be one big dinner!" I said proudly, knowing I have more than enough to make this dinner.

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