The Incident At Liones Junior High

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-thírd pєrѕσn pσv-
Over the next few weeks, Harlequin has gotten use to the new schedule and knows his way around his new school, Liones High. Every class he had with Diane made him happy, even if she did ignore him every time Meliodas was around. He never really talked to her anyway, so he understands why she never really speaks with him. Elaine always checked up on him after school, especially after Howzer would confront him. The only class he didn't like was Mrs. V's class because he had to sit next to Howzer. Diane has been trying to get Meliodas' attention, like as if he was her boyfriend, even though they aren't a couple. Every weekend, the guys would hangout at Ban's house, then Meliodas', then back to Harlequin's house. When they would go to Harlequin's house Ban would tease Elaine all the time, which over time, caused her to have a crush on him.

[díαnєѕ pσv]
I was already at school, it was Wednesday morning. School was going to start soon and I've been waiting for Captain and the gang to show up Especially Captain! The thought of his cute self made me blush. I looked over and saw Howzer, ugh, I hated him so much. He thinks we're a couple! He always calls me stupid nicknames like Di-Di or- "Hey Dianey pumpkin pooh!" Howzer said approaching me. I rolled my eyes, this was so annoying. Why does he think we're a thing?! "don't call me that" I said and he kept his smile "wanna go out sometime?" he asked and I shook my head. "sorry I'm not interested!" I kindly said and he nodded.
He walked away and turned the corner. When he did that I could hear him having a stupid hissy fit. He's so childish and annoying. A couple minutes later I saw someone else approaching me. Then I saw King! "Hey King!" I waved and smiled. He looked red and waved "h-hi!" he smiled back. He stood by me but didn't say anything else. "have you seen Captain yet?" I asked and he shook his head. "Aw man!" I pouted, he's usually the first one here! I looked over at King to see him looking up at me and smiling. When he noticed he went red for some reason and looked away. "Hey-" I said and he jumped "are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Do you have a fever or something? You're all red!" I said worried "I-I'm fine-" he said.
I looked down noticing he was fiddling with some kind of black case. I pointed to it curiously "what's that?" I asked. He looked down at the case and stopped fiddling with it. "My flute,they accepted me in band" he said. I've noticed something about him. He's really quiet and doesn't speak unless he has to,which is... interesting. But I smiled remembering how good he is at playing his flute. "Cool!" I said before hearing "Ooh~ King and Diane eh??" It was Ban walking over with his hands in his pockets. I looked at him and shook my head and crossed my arms "it's ME and captain!" I corrected looking at him and away from King.
"Well from what I clearly see is you and King!" Ban chuckled. My face went red with embarrassment. How could he accuse me of cheating like that?! "It's n-not like that! W-We're just friends.." King said in defense but it sounded a little sad when he said friends like he was unsure. Ban looked at me then back at King "how come you let her do that to you?" He asked like I did something wrong!! "W-What did I do?!" I looked back at him and King. Did I do something wrong?! King does act funny around me- "you barely even talk to him" Ban said, King opened his mouth to say something but then didn't "see? You do ignore him!" Ban said looking back at me.
"I-I do not! He barely talks!" I argued "okay then, King?" Ban said making him jump a bit "y-yeah?" He asked. "Say something, have a conversation with her, maybe she'll ignore you some more!" Ban chuckled. "Your being mean!" I pouted "I don't give a shit! Talk to your 'friend'!" Ban said making quotations with his fingers. " you like poems?" King asked trying to make a conversation. I actually do! I nodded. "Cool,- I do too...?" He looked at Ban with a confused look like he didn't know what to say. Ban crossed his arms and looked at us with a face that said 'you ain't even trying'.
King sighed as I looked over at him "you don't talk much do you?" I asked and he nodded "why don't you?" I asked "becau-" I cut him off when I saw Meliodas! He was walking over here with Elizabeth. The school bell rang but we still had like ten minutes until our lesson. "Yay! Meliodas!!!" I cheered completely forgetting about what I was doing and ran over to hug him. "Hey Captain!!" I said happily "uhm...hi, now can ya like...get off me..your hugs kinda hurt..." He said and I let go of him with a smile. "Hey Ban,King!" Meliodas waved to them. I turned around to look at them and Ban waved "sup!" And King just waved..he put his hood on his head when I looked at him and I tilted my head confused.
Ban shook his head and sighed "what's up with him?" Meliodas asked and Ban pointed at me? "She's trying to deny the fact that she ignores King but she just proved herself wrong..." He said shaking his head. "I-I don't I just wanted to say hi to Capta-" I stopped when I heard King sniffling into his sleeve. He had his phone in his hand and he dropped it putting his face in his hands and started crying "look Diane! You made him cr-" then King literally took his bookbag off and threw it at him "please just shut up!" He said then picked up his phone. I could see the tears running down his cheeks. Did I really make him cry..? I stayed silent when he called someone.

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