Return Of The Negative

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[Diane's POV]

I had my head down for a couple minutes trying to calm myself down, trying not to get up and grab King. I don't wanna be pushy..and I don't want him to feel off or bad being around me..after another moment or so I felt someone sit next to me. I glanced through my arms to see King. His face was red but he was smiling when he grabbed stuff out of his bookbag and started working on something? I just kept peeking out at him through my arms. His face was red, very red, and I just wanted to kiss one of those warm cheeks!! He looked over at me and I closed my eyes and kept my head in my arms on the table hoping he hadn't seen me.

After a second I felt something being slid to me. "Huh?" I sat up seeing a piece of paper folded in half by me. Harlequin was gone?! Where did he go?? I looked around for him but he was no where to be found! "W-whats this?? Where's king?" I asked the others. I saw a small smile on Elizabeth's face, Meliodas grinned and Ban pointed to the lunchroom doors. "He ran out a second ago-" he said. I was about to get up and run after him but..I had no clue on where he might be! So, I grabbed the folded piece of paper from the table. Elizabeth and the others curiously peered over the table to see what it was. I opened it. It was another letter? I began to read it.


Are you really that scared to talk to me? I feel the same way about you. I wanna tell you so bad but I don't know how. I don't know when. And I definitely don't know at all what to say. I know you know who I am and I know what happened last night. If you want me to be honest I wish I was awake when you did I could kiss you back. I really really like you Diane. What you said this morning, about wanting me to come out, to talk to you, about not caring what I was like, about how much you wanted to speak with me. I still don't know how to tell you and I know you don't know how to say it either...can you forgive me for making you so nervous?

Your not so secret admirer 💕'

He..He knows?! I put the paper on the table and grabbed both of my pigtails and hid into them, squealing and blushing like crazy!! "HE S-SAID HE WOULD'VE KISSED BACK! EEEE!!" I squealed and the others read it and Elizabeth giggled. I was still hiding in my pigtails when I stood up. "Wh-Where did he go?" I asked again. Ban smirked, "he ran out with the biggest blush on his face!" He said keeping his smirk. "Yep!" Meliodas said getting up with the others. "S-Should we go find him?" I asked and Elizabeth pointed to me. "You should go find him-" she told me "Wh-" "yeah" Ban cut me off- "he is your boyfriend!~" Meliodas teased "O-Okay!! I'm going!!" I whined grabbing the letter from the table running out of the lunchroom to look for him.

I put my hand where my heart is looking around for Harlequin. Where did he go?! "HARLEQUIN?!" I called out to him with worry! He was no where to be seen! I ran back into the lunchroom where the others were beginning to panic! "Guys I-I can't find him!!! He's not out of the lunchroom or in the hallway!! I have no idea where he is!!" I shouted and Ban's eyes widened. Elizabeth glanced at Meliodas' with a look of worry. "We have to go find him now!!" He said and we all ran out of the lunchroom."Where could he be?" I heard Meliodas ask himself as he was desperately looked around.

We couldn't find him at all! He didn't show up for the rest of our classes! He was no where to be found! We tried texting him several times but he wouldn't answer!! We called him but he didn't answer!! Is he okay?! I'm so worried! We decided to cancel the cheerleaders meeting and football practice to run to Meliodas' house when school ended.

[King's POV]

As soon as I ran out of that lunchroom I ran out of the building. I was panicking, what if she saw me a different way because of that letter?! I was scared to see her reaction! I didn't know what to do or say so I ran!! I ran all the way back to Meliodas' house and to my room. I was breathing heavily and was panicking about everything. "Did she r-read it?!" I questioned to myself. "P-Probably not! Did she throw it away?!" I continued to question myself. "What if s-she changes her mind and doesn't like me anymore?!" I teared up at the thought of that. I grabbed Fuzzy off of my bed and hugged him tightly.

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