Welcome to My Book!!!!

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     Okay, warning; this is going to be long, but please read. This is my first book, so caution: its not going to be great. And I am aware this is weird to write the first chapter, but I nEeD sUgGeStIoNs!!!!! I get writers block so easily, but trust me I will look up prompts like there's no tomorrow.

     If you also want to make suggestions for other books, here's what I like: (Its a short list, sorry😂)
-Be More Chill (ArsonBros/RichJake, BoyFriends, PinkBerry, MAYBE ExpensiveHeadphones.)
-Dear Evan Hansen (KLEINPHY. Muh otp. Along with Michael × Evan. Tree bros, maybe Kleinsen.)
-Thomas Sanders/Sanders Sides Ships (Prinxiety, Logicality, Royality, Moxiety, and Logince. I might do some DeSleep and ReMile. Pretty much all of the ships just not LAMP and shiz like that. Sorry-)
      Oh! Speaking of Be More Chill and Thomas Sanders, have any of you seen Thomas and George Salazar's collab video?!?! I go 😍 whenever I watch it! Don't get me wrong, I love me some Thomas and Jon Cozart, but George Salazar and Thomas Sanders would be so cute together!!!! Have you seen the way they look at eachother?!?! And how they just got closer and closer to eachother during the video?!?!? So cute!!! Okay, I'll stop now.

     Anyways, another thing, I will use cussing. I'll try to hold it back, but there's gonna be a lot... sorry not sorry.

     And then there's updating. I will try my absolute best to update as soon as I can, and if that fails, weekly. But just remember, I'm a human being too, and have other things to work on. I also get stressed and anxious super easily, so I might need to take breaks occasionally. But weekends I can tell you now, will be update central most of the time😉. Believe me, I know how aggravating delayed updates can be.

     Okay, if you've reached this far, thanks for reading my rant. Please comment or send me reccomendations and what you want me to do with my life- ahhhI mean writing. Hehe... okay,
Bi my queers!
(Get it? Bi instead of bye? No...? Okay. Well its my outro so get used to it.)
         Your flaming, awkward, not-so-straight writer,
*ahem... or just Cecy. Cecys' fine too.*
366 words

Be More Chill (And A Few Dear Evan Hansen) One Shots!Where stories live. Discover now