Her Hater | 2

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🖤 liked by bts_v, jennieyuh and 3,892,074 others

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🖤 liked by bts_v, jennieyuh and 3,892,074 others.

lalalalisa_mj thank you so much for the warm welcome, @celine!

view all 77,195 comments

nayeonie too cute to handle!
| lalalalisa_mj @nayeonie aaaah, unnie! tysm

sohotnancy baby girl! such a cutie, i love this girl so much! i'm idolizing her.
| heyjeonjk @sohotnancy bad choice

bpmaindancer she's capturing hearts again, everyone. she's capturing our hearts ksksskskdksdjdhs

jeonsbaby jk just commented lol, whatta shade to the bP's MaIn dAnCeR lol KSDJSHDJSGSSH

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