Her Hater | 17

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Lisa's Point of View

“To everyone.. Please take some seat. The event’s not yet done.” J-hope said.

I was forced to sit.

“Oh, look, the girl idol of the night. The main dancer of the girl main dancers,” a guy said.

I faced him and saw the face of Namjoon. I was sitting with BTS in a table.


Jungkook is walking while his head is facing the floor. He was shocked when our eyes met for the nth time.

I need to get out of here. I need to say a very effective reason to leave their table. Argh!

He rushed his way and sat beside me. “Why are you here? Are you waiting for me?”

“Please give me some chance to explain. I’m sorry..”

Damn. Why do I have to be on this situation?

“Looks like there’s some talk with our maknae and the maknae of Blackpink over there. Are you guys okay?” J-hope said while warily shaking his hands above head.

I faced the floor in shame.

Will it be rude for his members if I say no? Argh, definitely it will! I’m so sick of this situation.

I looked straight into Jk’s eyes. I guess this is the biggest escape plan to finally leave this place.

Everyone was shocked when I stood up and went to hold Jk’s right hand.

Pulling him over to exit. Almost everyone in the room shouted our names and even some senseless things.

After we stopped outside the event’s place. “W-wait, are we going to talk here?”

“No.. I’ll go already. We’re still not okay. I just used you in some way to exit the place but it looks like I’m even facing more shameful deeds.” I said while biting my lips.

I was about to leave but then he pulled me over him that resulted of me touching his chest with my both hands.

D-dug dug.

A sudden felt heartbeat just came out of nowhere.

After leaning my head on his chest for some quite time. I realized what just happened.

What the heck just happened? This is bad.

I pushed his chest away so he can move backward from me.

“What did you just do?” I asked while looking at him angrily.

He was shocked but then is able to answer. “I just pulled you so we can talk, I didn’t expect you’ll fall over me.”

While we’re talking to each other. A flash just came out of nowhere.

When we looked at where it came from. Some people are running away.

No, this can’t be. Tell me this isn’t happening.

At this moment, all I know is I’m doomed.

I’m doomed with my enemy, Jungkook. We’re doomed.

“Dispatch,” he uttered and I heard it.

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