Her Hater | 45

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Lisa's Point of View

I saw him sitting just right there. Inside. Looking at the side of the room filled with flowers and plants. I can see his unexplainable facial expression.

I saw how a tear escaped his eye. He quickly wiped his eyes since he's actually having teary eyes.

He just laughed about it. I opened the door slowly and chose not to make any sound since he's not actually facing this side of this glass-transparent room.

I was shocked when he suddenly talked while I'm focusing on the door. “I n-need you, Lisa.”

I turned my sight to him and saw that he's actually not facing this direction, he's just talking to himself.

Dang, what he's saying is real. He's saying what his heart wants to shout and cry out.

I decided to normally close the door. He turned around.

His eyes feel like shining.

“Hey,” I greeted.

His lips are trembling, is he about to cry or what? Is he nervous? I don't know. What specifically causes someone to tremble?

“Don't talk, Jk,” I said. “I'm already believing you. No explanations needed.” I added of.

He raised a brow at me. “Then why are we h-here?”

“Just nothing. I really won't mind if you'll explain or not since I already knew what the most important is.” I replied out.

His face felt so confused like he literally got more confused as what he has.

He asked. “You knew what?”

“Nothing,” I replied.

It feels like he was moved by that. He just faced the ground. He's too soft. Damn, why is he being like this?

Tsk, what a bunny.

“I just told Chaeng to ask you to wait for me in here just so I can be with you..” I said which made him look at me. “So, I can be with you when you feel like drowning just like now.” I added of.

His lips started trembling again.

“Come here,” I said while tapping the empty side of the bench where I'm sitting in. “Lean on my shoulder, let's not talk about problems that are warying around. Just rest and feel my presence right beside you. I'm just here, Jk,” I stated of.

He moved to my side and later on he leaned onto my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around his body. He's just breathing and all I know is he's closing his eyes.

“I'll trust my instincts. I'll trust what I feel and believe. I'll trust him. All I know right now if I'm not mistaken with my instincts is..”

“He really has something for me. Something special. Love. Also with words from someone who really knows him, from RM, as basis addition.”

I said those while looking at his face.

I was shocked when he suddenly opened his eyes. “I wouldn't ask to meet you and to explain anything to you just for nothing. I really do have something for you. My heart's beating just for you.”

I gulped out and feel like I'm about to scream out loud but my mouth won't open and speak up.

“I missed you so damn much,” he started of. “Baby.” he ended it with a stare.

No, that doesn't end there. He stared at my lips for some quite seconds.

At last, he sealed it with a kiss. His kisses that is making me feel like I drank a case of beer.

Dang, I'm drunk and feel like losing it in him. I feel like losing my mind while he's kissing me thorougly.

I didn't know what to do but I just actually did put my hands in his head as a support on our kiss.

He's driving me crazy.. For real. He has this effect on me. No one can do this to me but him.

After some while, he ends the kiss. We are both catching our breaths.

“I regret being your hater,” he said.

I replied out. “And so?”

“And so I decided to become your lover.” he answered.

Isn't it ironic that my hater is actually my real-life lover? But no one really knows what actually would happen after this and that, which tells a lot.

I'm glad that he started it with a hate comment, if that didn't happen, we wouldn't end up being like this.


Side note: Here you go! An update. Please stay tuned for the remaining parts. It will include Jungkook's point of view all throughout the story. I love y'all and take care.

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