Her Hater | 26

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Lisa's Point of View

A week has passed. We remain in that cycle.

He'll pick me up every morning, dropping me by my company and of course saying his non-stop jokes. It feels like just so good to talk to him.

I was brought back to the reality about what we're discussing since a while ago.

“Our marketing sales had a rise of 10% for the past week since the LisKook issue.” a staff said.

I am sitting here in the center of this office with my unnies, my co-members.

They looked at me seriously, I just looked down.

“BTS has been a very nice way for us to increase our sales and popularity.” another staff said.

Jennie stood up. “Are we just using them?”

The head staff stood up and he's not looking at us but on his book. “You should chill, Jennie. We're not using them, we're just making it up to them so we're profitting from them.”

“How's that?” Jisoo asked.

“You wouldn't understand at this moment but we know what we're doing. Our CEO knows everything well.” he chuckled. “The four of you can go already and practice the provided comeback dance for the songs made for the four of you.” he added of.

“A comeback? All of a sudden? No one told us about this. How come?” Rosé begged to disagree.

“It's all of a sudden since Lisa and Jungkook's relationship is just all of a sudden too.” he said while grinning.

“You told us that we can write our songs in our next comeback. No, we're not accepting this.” I said while having some make-face towards him.

He looked at me seriously. His gaze are something unordinary. “You're doing these things. You can't disagree. Would you like your members to pay a huge debt in an instant just because you don't want it, Lisa?”

“But we don't want it too–” Jennie was stopped from talking when the head staff interrupted her by saying something.

“If you accept this comeback songs, you'll benefit from the profit of it but if you don't, you'll pay a huge price for not letting the company benefit from the four of you. Let's not sugarcoat everything now, I'm being straightforward already.” he said.

I have nothing to do but to agree with it. I let out some tears from both of my eyes 'cause I can't handle it anymore.

We're not allowed to go home until we finish recording the songs and rehearsing the choreos for some songs in it.

After we're done recording. All I know is I'm clearly exhausted.

“You're prohibited from using phones 'cause it might distract you from everything you need to do. To be done, of course. You can't go home until you finish everything for this comeback.” the staff said while getting our phones.

“Can't we at least have some half-hour break? We're exhausted, please. Lend us our phones. We're not even doing anything.” I said out of exhaustion and annoyance.

She looked straight right into my eyes before letting her smile free from her lips. “Okay..”

After she let us have our phones for some quite time. I saw 254 missed calls since morning and 3 unread texts.


254 missed calls from Jeon Jungkook.

3 unread texts from Jeon Jungkook.

I opened the unread texts and these are what I saw:

'Are you okay?'

'Why won't you answer my calls? You busy? How about text, can't you at least send me one?'

'If you won't pick my calls and answer my texts. Can I come over, then?'


I just turned my sight from the lights coming from above in this dance practice room. I felt really exhausted as of the moment, I've never been like this. I've never felt this from any things I've done in the past. Wow.

I was about to burst in tears because I know my co-members feel the same too.

As much as I want to talk to them, I can't, knowing that I'm the one who caused them to experience this kind of exhaustion.

I'm about to cry but I prevented it to happen. I didn't know what comes to my mind but all I knew is I'm dialing JK's number up.

I badly need someone to talk to. I badly need to release everything out of my chest so what I'm feeling right now can be easen up later.

'Hello? Lisa?'

'Lisa, what happened? You're not answering any of my calls nor my texts. Are you too busy?'

'Why did you call? Is there anything bugging you?'

'Hey, Lisa? Answer me! I'm being worried here!'

'You're making me too worried of you, Lisa.'

It feels like all I'm feeling were turned into tears. I finally burst out, as much as I don't want anyone to know I'm crying, I did in front of this phone while talking to Jk.

I heard Jk's voice being too worried after he heard my cries.

Jk,” I started of while sobbing. “C-can you come over?” I add up.

'Even though you don't ask me to, I'll come. I was just worried that you might be mad at me once I come without you knowing but at this exact time, I know I don't need your permission anyway. I'll be there in a few, please be okay.'

I hanged up after seeing the staff enter the room.

“So, Jk's going here? Okay. We'll allow you to have your visitor. This will make our sale rise even more. Thank you, Lisa.” the assistant head staff said while grinning.

She grinned so badly and I know something bad will happen. I guess.

She made the staffs collect our things and phones that can distract us from practicing and went outside, so we can finally start practicing.

I heard what Jennie said even though it's a bit soft to hear. “They'll definitely call some of the media, so they can video Jk getting in the company. We're not just the only one being used here, JK and his group's name are being milked for money.” she says.

“Your issue with Jk will always be used as long as it's the talk of the town, Lisa. Don't worry about us, worry about yourself and Jk.” Rosé said.

As much as I want to tell Jk that he must not come, I can't. I don't have any access to my phone or any communicating device.

Sorry, Jk. Sorry, bunny.


Side note: Surprise! A surprise update! I wrote this part while doing my requirements. I hope y'all enjoy. Love yah!

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