Her Hater | 49

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Lisa's Point of View

“Unnie, let's talk, please?” Tzuyu said while playing with her hands.

She's bothered and nervous at the same time, I know it myself.

“For?” I asked.

“For the things I've done, I know I'm not that good of a person to you but please lend me your ear and hear me out,” she said while holding my hands out.

I didn't bother to let go from her hands.

“Unnie, please,” she said once more with emotions in her eyes.

That time I decided to nod at her. “Okay,”

We went somewhere we can talk about things she's about to discuss.

We chose to be in this place, a café which Jinyoung oppa owns.

“What do you wanna talk about?” I quickly asked boringly.

She sighed. “Okay, unnie, first of all, I'd like to say sorry about doing things up like messing you and Jk oppa around. It's just that I thought he has something for me back then,”

I'm just hearing her out. I'm not talking back. She's just explaining things out.

“I thought what we had is something to be leveled up but it was just my assumptions,” she said. “I guess he fell for you, and it's my bad, that he fell out of his feelings for me,” she added of.

That's breaking my heart, knowing that he's somewhat enjoying around with Tzuyu because he has something for her romantically.

“How did you say so? I mean, what makes you sure that he had something for you back then?” I asked.

“Oppas told me, his co-members, that's almost a year ago but I made him wait, I never answered back through his motives,” she explained.

I was just his second. Did I ruin them? Damn these thoughts.

He said he has nothing for her. He said I'm the only one.

“Unnie, I'm really sorry, I just thought I could put things back, I made up lies to your mind and made you believe that he's just feeling sorry for you. I'm sorry for the things I did which affects your emotions.” she explained.

“It's okay, I was just his second after all,” I said.

“Unnie,” she said while holding my hands trying to calm me from shattering.

I don't even know what this feeling is. I'm just frustrated. I should be happy since we're okay now. Jungkook and I are finally in good terms too.

We've discussed things out but he never mentioned that he had feelings for her back then. I guess that just moves me to shatter.

“I guess I ruined the both of you? Sorry for that,” I cracked a fake smile.

“No no, unnie, you didn't. I did. I'm responsible for what happened to us, to things that happen by my mistakes,” she cried her heart out.

“Do you still love him?” I asked.

“Of course. It's not that easy to move on, to move space from the past. But it moves me to do so, forcing myself to stop these tears, 'cause I know he'll be happy.. with you.” she said. “I also did my part to try and take us back together, but nothing ever happened. He's just too whipped for you. He's already in love with you,” she adds up.

'He's already in love with you,' those words just shattered me more from the inside. I don't know what's happening to me, I'm just too fragile to hear things like this.

“I guess he thought that he couldn't get you, that's why, things like this happened. I'm just his second option anyways. I guess he thought he wouldn't get the chance to get you, so he got me instead,” I blurted out.

“Unnie, that's not it, maybe he just found love from you, sorry for explaining things, maybe you didn't know about this and I just brought them up. Sorry, but I just want to conceal with you, to be in good terms with you,” she said.

“It's okay,” I said while smiling. “I'll just leave then, good bye, and you're forgiven. Thank you,” I added of.

I stood up and walked away from the café. My heart can't take it all.

I walked and get myself to the train station to take a commute 'cause I don't have myself in my pocket. I guess I forgot it in Jk's place.

I just used my big shades with some black cap and took my big jacket out of my bag.

“He picked to stick with me afterall, after being a second option.” I thought to myself after taking the train ride.

I'm messed up.. yet.. I trust him.


Side note: I just want to clear the mess in your minds, guys. Things like this should happen. See you in the next one! :")

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