Her Hater | 42

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Lisa's Point of View


I heard a loud swear coming from the living room. I looked at my window and saw the sun shining from the backyard.

I quickly stood up as soon as I felt curious about what's happening in the living room. And why are they swearing.

I tied my hair up and fixed my pajama before even going out.

They're watching television and I can see that it's on the news channel.

What's up with them? Why are they watching it? Did they change character? Just kidding.

There's Chaeng and Jisoo unnie. Where is Jennie unnie?

I saw how Jisoo unnie turned the volume down. I can't clearly see what's on television or what's on the news that they're watching but all I can sense is they're hiding it from Jennie unnie.

I smiled and wanted to join in. I want to know what they're referring to and why are they hiding it from her.

“What's up, guys? Good morning!” I quickly shouted at them but only them can hear.

Chaeng quickly glanced at me while Jisoo unnie picked the remote up and turned the television off.

W-wait, why?

“Well there you are, Lisa,” Chaeng smiled at me but I can sense that it's quite fake.

A sudden thought came up in my mind. So, they're not hiding something from Jennie unnie but from me.

They're hiding something from me.

“What is it?” I boringly asked while staring at them with a serious face.

I have time but let's not waste it and get straight to the point. They should tell me right away.

“U-uh, w..what do you mean?” Jisoo unnie asked while playing with the remote in her hand.

I boringly looked at her. “Come on, tell me now. Let's get straight into it,”


“Please unnie! I thought it's the best when we're four? We four are the allies of each other but why does it seems like you're being allies against me?” I asked.

It's like they're really won't tell me about it whatever I do. No matter how I beg, they won't tell me anything related to it.

They turned the TV off when I suddenly came up in the picture. What if it's something connected to the news? What news was it?

W-why are they hiding it from me?

I quickly walked towards Jisoo unnie and grabbed the remote from her hand.

I turned the TV on.


The TV turned on and it clearly shows a flashing report about Tzuyu and Jungkook.

It does redirect after a while from the report to a clip. I saw Jk and Tzuyu getting off from Jk's car.

And the clip ended.

“T-that's why,” Chaeng softly said while facing the floor.

“It's okay, it's not that we have something in between. He can do whatever he wants, we're not together for real.” I said while faking a smile in front of them.

I hand Jisoo unnie the remote back and went back to my room.

Tears escaped my eyes. This is clearly overacting, Lisa.

You have nothing to cry about so stop those tears from falling.

My phone vibrated. Someone texted.

I put my phone out and saw who texted.

It's from Jungkook,


Jeon Jungkook

Jeon Jungkook
Let's talk, Lisa. Please.

Jeon Jungkook
I want to explain.

You don't have to explain
anything. You are free to do
anything what you please.

You are now free,

We don't need to
pretend anymore.
You can finally stop
pretending and do
whatever you want.

It's okay if you'll be with
Tzuyu already. It's not
that of a big deal, I know
that she's easy to fall for.

I guess this is the end
of our plans. Thanks
a lot for everything!
We can go back to
the days which we
used to be strangers.

At all.


I'm wiping my tears while somehow smiling by just typing those words.

“Please be happy,” I said while tears in my eyes started to escape.

Why would things like this happen when I'm finally growing this feeling towards him?

No– yes! I love him! I'm falling for him already!

Scratch that, I'm not holding myself back anymore. I do love him already.

Well, I guess things are just happening based on what the destiny wants to happen. That's it.

I think that would be the end of us. That would be the end of our story.


Side note: Here's an update. I'm really having a hard time in terms of balancing things up. Once I finish the reporting and some other requirements for this week, I'll be updating tomorrow. Thank y'all so much for understanding my situation. :)

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