Her Hater | 50

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Lisa's Point of View

“We have a problem, don't we?” he initiated.

I was searching for my phone. I know I'm just tired and moved by what Tzuyu has said.

“Hey,” he said while grabbing my shoulders and making me face him.

He looks so worried, and damn, that's what makes me fall for him.

“Please, baby? Tell me about it,” he begged while his hands are still on my shoulders.

He pouted as if he's so worried about it. Shit.

“It's nothing,” I said in return.

I really don't want to talk about it now. I don't have my strength.

“Baby, please,” he forced to talk about it.

“Where's my phone?” I quickly changed the topic.

He removed his hands on my shoulders. “Why?” he asked.

“Just nothing,” I boringly answered.

He went somewhere to get it, I guess? So, I just sat on the couch waiting for him to return.

“Here,” he lent me my phone when he came back from somewhere. “So can we talk about our problem now?” he added a question up.

“It's really nothing, Jk,” I replied while checking my phone.

“I know there's something, tell me, baby. I want to know. I don't want things like this happening to us,” he blurted out.

I was about to walk away but he's not letting me go even just this night. It feels like he won't really let me if we wouldn't talk about this.

“Do you have feelings for Tzuyu? Or did you by chance had?” I asked.

It feels like he's shocked by it. Knew it.

“You don't need to answer anyways, I just knew it from the start,” I said and was about to walk away.

I felt his hand holding my wrist, I looked upon him and he's just so serious when you just seemingly look at him.

“I did,” he stated.

“I knew it already,” I replied after I borrow my wrist from him.

He holds it once more. “I did, baby.. I did. Past tense. What happened? Why are we talking about this?” he replied out to what I said.

“Let me return the question, why didn't we talk about this? I mean why shouldn't we?” I restate what he said.

“Baby..” he said which made my knees weak. He really knows how to make it up to me. “I thought it'd just be nothing, that's just already in the past, I thought what matters right now is what I'm feeling towards you,” he added of.

“But I should know, you should've told me if you love me tho,” I issued out.

“Baby, if you love me, why shouldn't you just trust me?” he said while his emotions are being emotional as heck.

He let go of my wrist and hand. He sat on the couch so did I. I went back to sit, I should calm and control my feelings.

“I trusted you, baby. Even though I'm so jealous as fuck after what I read Jackson's message to you,” he said.

I opened my messages and saw that Jackson clearly went to left a message for me.

'Let's meet, I just want to talk to you. I know I confessed to you and I don't know if I have the rights to ask you to meet me after what happened but please.'

“You shouldn't really be jealous about it,” I said.

“That's just the same as to my case in which the thing why you're being angry at me, you shouldn't really be jealous too about Tzuyu,” he contrasted.

“That's not the same, don't invalidate my feelings.” I blurted out.

“It's the same and please don't invalidate my feelings too. I'm hurting too, Lisa. I'm hurting just for your love.” he explained.

I saw how he shed tears from his eyes. Shit. I'm not ready for this discussion, I'm not ready and I don't know what to do once he's crying.

“You didn't read our conversation, right? Do you? That's why you're acting like this, Jk.” I said.

“It's because I trust you, Lisa. Just trust. I know even if I don't read your conversations with him, you love me. And that's all I know but that doesn't mean I'm not jealous. Don't you trust me enough, Lisa?” he explained once again.

I'm speechless. His words made me so.

“We're just the same, we don't know stories behind our jealousy. But our difference is, I trust you enough that's why I hold onto your love but you don't do the same, you're being blinded by your thoughts,” he speaks up.

“Jk,” I said while slowly getting into him.

“Lisa, if you ever thought of just being a second choice because of what you know, what you heard or whatever, please be aware that I chose to be with you just because I feel like being with you. There's no chance you're just my second option, my heart is beating just for you extraordinarily,” he said.

Damn, I know I screwed up. I let my anger and feelings eat my love for him.

And what happened in the past should just stay in the past. I know but I didn't remember it at some point.

He did everything for me. He sacrificed big things just for me. I shouldn't doubt his love just because he had feelings for someone else which are already in the past.

He did his best for him but it seems like I'm doing the bare minimum for him and that's unfair.

At this point, I know I should make it up to him. I made him cry once again.

“Sorry, baby,” I said while breaking into his crossed-arms.

I did my best to hug him. To hug him comfortably and let him lay his head onto my shoulder.

“I shouldn't doubt your love,” I pat his back just to stop him from crying.

He's not being so emotional. He's not overreacting. It's just that he's soft for things like this, things which involve me, I think?

And that's it, I should protect him. He shouldn't be the only one protecting and doing his best for me. I should do the same in order for this relationship to work.

I should work on my trust for him too. As much as I want to love him as long as I don't trust him enough, it won't work.

He hugged me tight, I felt it. And all I know right now is he's having a hard time once again and I added another problem up to it.

“I'm sorry, baby, just rest okay? I love you. I'm sorry.” I said while touching his hair softly.

I also leaned my head towards his head.

“I'll trust you enough starting today, I'm sorry for doing the bare minimum for you when you actually deserve the best things in the world,” I started out once again. “Starting today too, I. promise I'll try to do my best for you too, like the way you're doing your best for me. I love you.” I added of.


Side note: There you go! Sorry for making y'all pressed about the last chapter. This is it! I love you so much! Please don't forget to vote and give your thoughts, love lots!

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