Her Hater | 40

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Lisa's Point of View

“Let's go in!” Tzuyu shouted.

Her eyes met mine and she just ignored my presence in this place. She continued walking to get inside the place.

She sat on the couch and willingly took her jacket off.

I turned my sight to the other direction. Chz.

“What are you doing here?” Jk asked.

“I just want to take a visit on your place, u-uhm it's nice.” she smiled.

Jk didn't do anything.

“I'll just prepare some foods for you,” he said.

Tzuyu's smile widens as soon as she heard those words from Jk.

I'm still statued at where I'm in a while ago, behind the door and beside this wall table.

As soon as I saw her staring at me, I find myself taking the way to the other couch. I sat in, just so, she won't think I'm uncomfortable with her.

Well, it's true tho? But I don't want her to know about that.

“Uh- hi, Lisa!” she said while smiling at me.

I waved my hand to her a little. “H-hello,”

“How are you?” she asked while smiling widely.

It's just awkward and uncomfortable, I don't know. It's strange.

“I'm okay,” I replied. “You?” I returned the question.

She just let her hands do thumbs up as a sign that she's okay too.

I just nodded. “O-okay,”

Tzuyu stood up after a while and checked everything around. She opened the television and connected her phone to it.

O-okay? That's strange but sure.

She successfully connected it and I moved my sight away from the television. I just don't want her to think that I'm picking my nose in her business and invading her privacy.

Although, I know that she just connected it out. What's the point of connecting it to a bigger screen which is the television for nothing?

“It's okay if you watch,” she said while giggling.

I turned my sight back from the television and saw her wallpaper.

W-wait, j-jungoo? Is that Jungkook?

I looked at her with a confused expression in my face. What does this mean?

When Jungkook's about to head his way here, she immediately disconnected the screen mirror from her phone to the television.

I can tell that Jk is about to head his way in here because of the loud sounds coming from the kitchen.

I looked upon Tzuyu one more time and she just smiled at me before turning her sight to Jk when he's handling a tray filled with foods.

“T-thank you,” Tzuyu said as if she's so shy about it.

Jungkook looked upon me and quickly took a walk towards where I'm in. He sat beside me.

“You good?” he whispered towards my ear.

“U-uh, yeah,” I answered.

I can feel the intense stare from Tzuyu when Jungkook whispered to me.

Her HaterWhere stories live. Discover now