Her Hater | 15

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Jungkook's Point of View

I saw Jimin catching Rosé's eyes when I went to get some foods.

I just laughed and waved hello to Jimin. He waved back and he just continued what he is doing.

I also saw how Rosé actually eats a lot. I mean it's not obvious for her to eat a lot like that. Her body is just on-fleek that you wouldn't know she eats that much.

I quickly went back to my agenda. I went to the other side to get some foods.

What food will she most likely to eat?

Sushi? Jjajangmyeon? Ttekbokki? Hoeddeok? Bulgogi? Seolleongtang? Creamy pasta? Nuggets and sauce?

It's hard to pick as heck. What do I do?

Shall I get everything from these foods? A variety of foods in a tray.

Yeah, I guess so. I'll just do that.

Every food seemed tasty and delicious. After I literally got every food, I went to my right since I saw some desserts in there.

Ice cream, okay check. Shaved ice, strawberry flavor? I guess so. Okay. I think that would be all.

I carried the tray loaded with lots of variety food after I placed the drinks and the desserts into it.

I walked towards where Lisa is in.

When I'm finally standing where she was in a while ago, I saw an empty seat.

She's not here anymore.

I guess, I'll just place the foods. She might just went to the comfort room to pee or something.

So whenever she get in here, we're ready to go and eat.

After I finished setting the foods up on the table, I quickly searched for her.

If she was just somewhere over here.

I turned my sight from one person to another, and so on. I can't find h-

No, I just saw her at this exact moment. She's looking right into my eyes.

I saw her sitting with Bambam. She left her table just to sit with him, just to be with him.

A few seconds later, I saw how Bambam touched her arm to approach her.

She, then, looked right into him and they already talked about something.

I stopped looking at her and went to sit on an empty seat.

"I guess it's really that hard to make up to mistakes you've once done." I said to myself.

I glanced at these foods I brought. I sighed even before touching any of it.

"I guess I'll be eating this bunch of foods alone." I uttered to myself.

I started eating bulgogi and it feels like I'm already full even by just having a bite of it.

I drank the glass of iced tea, and was shocked by the sudden presence of someone.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Jungkook-ssi!" the girl said.

I glanced at her face because of her angelic voice and saw a pretty face.

"Tzuyu," I thought of, "A-ah, annyeonghaseyo, Tzuyu." I replied to her.

She smiled, and just like an angel she brought happiness onto my mood.

"Aren't you with someone?" she asked, "I mean these foods are a lot for one person." she added of.

Shall I just ask her to sit here with me?

"A-ah, a-actually-" I was interrupted when someone just came in beside us.

"I'm actually sitting here, Tzuyu. Why? Where are your other members?" Namjoon-hyung asked her while smiling widely, showimg his dimples.

"A-ah, Namjoon oppa, I just wanted to ask Jungkook if he was alone, I might join him if no one's there so no one in this event is alone. Well now, I felt good knowing that everybody has someone to share laughters." Tzuyu answered while smiling.

"Uh okay, actually, I just went to the comfort room, that's why he's all alone for a little amount of time." he said.

"Well, I guess I'll just go to my members' table again, enjoy the night, Namjoon oppa and of course, Jungkook oppa. Annyeong!" she said while waving good bye.

When she left, it felt like I wanted to punch Namjoon-hyung hardly. It was an opportunity to sit with her! Why would he ruin it?

Why would he ruin my night even more? Or to be on its worst? Fudge.

While everyone's enjoying this night, tonight's the worst for me.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Tsk." Namjoon-hyung smiled.

He, then, drank the wine he's holding.

"Okay, everyone! It's already 10:00 in the evening! So, what are we waiting for? Shall we start the spice-up performance?" J-hope said.

Wait, why is J-hope the host for this year-end's spice up performance? Well, it's kinda making me nervous.

"May we call on Bambam to perform 'rainism'?" J-hope said while smiling and clapping his hands.

Tsk, I'm better than him. He should've called me instead of him. Everyone's being hyped over Bambam.

When Bambam went on stage, he clearly said something to J-hope by whispering it to him.

"Okay, a special request has been up by Bambam! Can we please call on Lisa?" J-hope said.

Everyone shouted even more. I quickly turned my sight over Lisa and saw her shocked face, she isn't expecting this.

"We know that you also know about it! And of course, it is a request from your childhood bestfriend, will you refuse to dance with him?" J-hope is smiling while announcing the happenings.

Lisa stood up and started walking towards the stage, she's walking slowly because of her sprained ankle.

I was about to get up but I told myself not to. No, this isn't right. I don't care even when she sprain her ankle more.

She went on-stage.

I just smirked.

The intro music of 'rainism' is about to start but Namjoon-hyung just stood up.

"Looks like, there's another request from my leader! What is it?" J-hope was smiling by just asking Namjoon-hyung what is it.

He laughed, our leader laughed before saying his request.

"Can we have Jungkook to perform on stage as well? He also knows the dance steps of this song!" he requested.

The heck?

Everyone's been clapping and shouting my name to go on stage. What the actual heck?

"Just go already," Namjoon-hyung said.

I nodded at him. He's my leader afterall.

I looked onto the stage and saw Lisa looking at me.

Our eyes met again once more.

She's glancing at me boringly. She, then, turned her sight away from me.

Shall I just back out to perform? It feels like it isn't a good idea to perform with her on-stage afterall.

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