Her Hater | 22

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Lisa’s Point of View

The rays of sunshine are hitting his face. His eyes, his smile, he can melt you up when you have something for him.

“Picking my girl up?” he smiled as he started walking towards his car.

He went to it and open the door of it slowly while his smile’s just too confident.

He took another word out of his charm once again. Let's go, baby..”

I was about to go back inside our dorm but he's just too fast to run towards where I’m going and pulled me over.


I don’t know what this is but all I know is I’m having a strange feeling at this exact moment.

I wasn’t forced to ride his car but I went to it as soon as he opened the door of it.

At my case, I didn’t go to the seat where he wanted me to be in. I opened the door for myself at the back seat and ignored him.

I shutted the door up and I saw how he closed the door in front and walked towards this door of the back seat where I’m in right now.

He opened it. “You can’t be there. Sit beside me.”

I shook my head from left to right. “No!”

“I am not your driver, so if you won’t mind, just go to the seat in front.” he said.

He’s not forcing me physically to go there. All he did was talk and talk.

“Well, I shouldn’t be here in your car in the first place. My manager oppa tends to fetch me up. So, what’s your drama?” I said out of annoyance.

He changed his mood. He shuts the door and went to open the driver's seat.

He started the engine of this vehicle and all I can sense is he really changed his mood.

His facial expressions aren’t that pleasing to see. I can see it from the side of my eyes while looking at the road in front.

He fixed his hair with his right palm of hand. He made it messy.

From looking at the road, I glanced for a second at him.

When I looked at the mirror above in the front, I was shocked when our eyes met through that.

He's clearly looking at me every second. He's turning his sight from the mirror and the road alternately.

All I knew at this moment is he’s clearly glancing at me and that made me uncomfortable.

I slowly moved from the right part of the backseat to the left part of it.

When I’m in the middle of it and was about to finally get into the left part of this seat. I was shocked by him.

He's driving and as of the moment, he's facing and looking at the road. “All I can do at the time being is to stare at you, why won't you give it to me? Why would you need to go the left part of that seat?”

“..right, you're doing that so I won't stare at you since I'm in the left part too of this car. Fine, do as you wish.” he added of.

His facial expressions made it to its worst.

What is he up to? Can he please stop acting like this? It's inappropriate. We're not really together.

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