Her Hater | 32

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Lisa's Point of View

“You should see a doctor, you're coughing.” he said while fixing little strands of hair that came for my face.

I coughed.

I rolled my eyes. “Stop being paranoid. I just felt sick because of the rain yesterday night.” I replied.

He giggled.

I faced him because of it. “Why? Tsk, I'm telling you the truth.”

“I didn't even say anything.” he contrasted.

I rolled my eyes once again and faced the other direction.

“You’re cute.” he whispered.

It feels like the emptiness of this room made it more impossible for me. W-what? Am I hearing things for real? Or am I actually imagining some sort of things?


“Did you just say I'm cute?” I asked while turning my sight to him.

His lips went to smile. Damn that–

He didn't say anything or even bother himself to answer my question. He's just looking at me, we're looking at each other straight into each other's eyes.


I quickly felt the heat in my face. Damn, this is bothering me. Why am I– no, it's definitely nothing.

Few seconds had passed. He's still looking at me straight into my eyes. It seems that he doesn't wanna cut it.

I quickly pulled my eyes who're staring at him out of what I'm feeling. I don't know, I just feel– urgh– uncomfortable.

“I'll just go to my manager,” I said while grabbing my bag out and fixing my things up.

He held my wrist. “What do you need to do with your manager?”

I bursted out a laugh. Did he forgot that I'm still an artist? Okay, that joke was a good one.

But to be honest, I'm actually have nothing to do. I'm just going out from here because of the atmosphere in here. Something in me was disturbed by something he has done.

I don't know what it is yet I don't want to find out what it's about.

“Nothing's funny.”

I quickly get out of the laughs and my smiling eyes.

“K.” I stated. “Of course, I need to do some sort of things, he said we'll be busy for this week. The whole month actually,” I added of.

He raised his left brow at me. Being confused as heck as what I'm seeing.

“Okay, good bye, Mr. Jeon. Thank you for your time. And to the coffee you made. It's good.”

I winked at him as if it was an inside joke between us. He stayed still.

After I finished fixing some sort of things, I was about to leave since I'm already ready– though, I'm stopped.

Someone just grabbed my right wrist. I looked at him, since we're the only ones in here, I'm already expecting it to be him.

“Are you ignoring me?” he asked. I quickly answer it by simply shaking my head sideways.

He nodded his head. “Hmm, I see.”

I was about to leave again but then I forgot that he's grabbing my wrist. He's not letting it go up to this moment.


“So you're avoiding me.” he conclude.

After asking one thing inside his head and got a 'no' as an answer, it seems that he concluded that the second thing in his mind will get a 'yes' as an answer.

Fortunately, he's right. I'm just avoiding him. I don't know why but I feel the urge to do it. Chz.

“I'm not.” I lied while looking at his eyes.

He's looking at me straight into my eyes once again. Once he's doing this, he's not letting it go. As much as I want to cut it off, I don't want him to suspect something.

'Cause he clearly have nothing to suspect about.

“Hmm?” he hummed as if he's doubting the answer I gave him.

Chz. This human. This guy is really something that I can't explain. Like how can he know what my reason is? That's just– urgh. Nah, forget it.

“I'm not ignoring nor avoiding you. Why would I even do it in the first place?” I said as if what he's saying is not true.

In his stares, I know that he's doubting me. Chz. What is in his mind that made him so sure that I'm saying something to doubt about?

“Are you doubting me?” I asked again. He just shook his head sideways.

“I'm not saying that I doubt you.”

“But the way you act, you're doubting me. What's on your mind?”

He placed his hand towards the wall in his side. “Well, I just assumed.”

“Liar! You didn't just assume it since you're too confident with it!”

He faced the wall, taking his sight away from me. “You're lying to me, Lisa. Aren't you?”

I raised my brows at him, being confused of what he's saying. “What are you pertaining to?”

“Lisa, I talked to your manager. He said you have nothing to do today and this week since next week's schedule will be hectic as hell. Does that mean your manager is lying?” he explained what he knows.

Okay. He's winning this. He's winning the argument.

I shook my head sideways as an answer to what he said.

“So does that mean you lied to me?” he asked while he has this serious face.

His serious face that I only saw in his stage performances. I didn't talk. I didn't answer his question. I have nothing to say. I'm completely speechless.

My eyes were moved to focus on his face when he suddenly talked. “Are you avoiding me? Or are you ignoring me? Answer me, Lisa.”

I'm still in silence. I have nothing to tell him. Will it hurt him?

Will it hurt him– why am I thinking of what would he feel?

“Please tell me.” he stated. “Do I annoy you in any way?” he asked.

He looked at me. “Tell me, I want to know.”

While he's talking, I only knew myself that I was staring at the way his lips move. The way his adam's apple swallows.

The way his sweats are dripping through his neck.


I'm– lost.


Side note: Happy Valentine's Day! I made this update to treat y'all for today's special moment. If you have no one to date. Just date me by reading this part. I love you!

Whoever reads this, remember that although we're screens away, I love you and I'm sending some virtual kisses and hugs. Love lots!

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