Her Hater | 28

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Lisa's Point of View

Half an hour had passed. I have already learned every steps in our first song.

My photographic memory made it easier for me. I'm too exhausted to continue. It feels like my body's about to give in.

This is just too much. I mean, really. For a group to release a comeback, this shouldn't be this hard and rush.

It feels like there's a time limit, that's why they're rushing us to finish everything about this comeback and polish it afterwards.

My co-members are exhausted too as I can see their faces from the corner where I'm sitting in. I drank a bottled water.

They went towards me to get some bottled water in front of me since the place where I'm sitting in is the station for us to drink, to rest and everything.

"Sorry," I said.

Their eyes are on me at this moment. They're clearly looking at me. All the three of them. “Why sorry? You shouldn't feel sorry. You're not the one who's responsible for this but the staffs and the CEO. I hate them.” Jennie said before drinking her bottled water.

“Don't worry too much, Lisa. We're still okay. We're just as okay as you. You're tired too, no one's safe from it, so no one in our group should be blamed because of what's happening.” Rosé said.

I fakingly smiled. Grabbing the towel and brushing it into my back and neck.

We're startled from the knocks on the door of this room.

The choreographers and the four of us are just all in here, so it's impossible that it came from the inside. It's from the outside, definitely.

That must be Jk. I should just ask him to go home.

He shouldn't see us at our times like this. At our worst state. 'Cause I can't even tell him why are we being like this.

I can't tell him that we're rushing our comeback choreographies, songs and such just because their name's being used and put up into ours.

I don't have the strength or the bravery to tell him about it. I don't know why but– I just can't.

“Shall we open the door for you?” Jisoo-unnie asked.

I shook my head. “No, don't open it. Let him outside. Are y'all be good if you know that he'll see us at our worst state? For what? For rushing things because their name's being used by us, that's why.” I said softly.

“But we're not even using them. The company is. We have nothing to do about this.” Jennie raised her brows while glancing at me poker-faced.

“But that's what they'll think. They wouldn't understand anyways. It's clearly us, for them, who're using them once they found out.” I replied to her.

“Fine then..” she said. “What will you do then? You wouldn't just let him cry or whine out there, would you?” she added of.

I gulped. “I'll talk to him. Maybe a little chitchat will do? I'll try what I can do to make him leave but I won't face him.”

I stood up and went to the door. Someone's still knocking on the door and I know it's him. Though, he's not talking, I can sense it's him.

“H-hey,” I stuttered up while knocking in the door too.

“L-lisa..” he said with his cracked voice. His voice changed.

It's not his usual voice.

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