Her Hater | 33

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Warning: R-18. Read at your own risk.

Lisa's Point of View

"Are.. you okay?" he asked while waving his hands at my eye-level.

I can clearly see it yet he's still doing it.

I gulped. "I'm okay."

As much as I want to focus on what he's discussing, I'm clearly being distracted of his- shit!

This ain't it. What am I feeling right now? Damn. I shouldn't feel this.

"It seems that something is bugging you for quite time," he raised his brows. "Tell me, what is it?" he moved his face forward.

Towards mine. Shit!

I'm actually moving backwards as he moves towards me. The hell is wrong with him? I faced the other direction so I could escape from what he's doing.

He lets out a chuckle that made me look at him.

I saw that he's already being busy in checking some of his things that are displayed on a wooden table with some carved designs in it.

He quickly went towards his refrigerator after that and checked his foods.

I just stayed still at where I'm standing since a while ago. I didn't even bother to move my feet, even a little, I swear. But mt eyes were on him, following him around.

"You want something?" he asked.

I quickly shook my head sideways. "N-nah, I'm good. Besides I really need to go, I have someone to meet."

"Who?" he asked while he's paying attention to the inside of his refrigerator. He's not looking at me.

"A friend," I answered.

He turned his stare from the foods inside his refrigerator to me. Real quick!

He raised his brows at me for the nth time today. "I'm not asking what connects you to that person."


I faced the ceiling and saw the dim light which eats up the whole space of the ceiling. It's like designed to make this place a romantic one.

I, again, faced him afterwards. He withdraws his stare at me to look for something inside the fridge. He's clearly searching for something. Maybe, his favorite food, e? I guess.

While he's busy searching for something, I grabbed the chance to sneak and slowly walk out from his place.

When I was about to run after I sneak since I'm already in the terrace of his place, he suddenly talked. "What are you doing?"

I was stopped and quickly turned around. I gave a peace sign. He's shaking his head sideways as a sign of disappointment.

"Get in,"

I don't know what moves me to follow his words but I just went inside. I heard some noises and all I know is he's locking door so I won't get out of here.

"I swear I need to meet someone," I explained while gesturing my hands. "Please let me go out of here." I added of.

He glanced at me and directly sticked his stare into my eyes. "Cancel that, I want you to be with me."


I mean I'm just lying about that. About meeting someone when I really don't have any meeting to anyone. But I'm surprised with what he said that made me think of some things that are inappropriate.

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