Her Hater | 10

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Jungkook’s Point of View

“The show’s not over yet, why are you here Jungkook?” a staff said.

I didn’t answer and just walked straight to backstage.

I clearly saw the rookies and the other soloists who’re preparing for their performance. Their eyes are on me. I just smiled at them once.

I’m searching for their perspective room.

“What are you doing here, sunbae?” Nancy said while smiling at me.

“Have you seen– u-uhm–” I was stuttering, “Blackpink?” I continued.

“Ah, the members? The girls head on their way to their room, I guess? I don’t know, or maybe they already left. But uh– I know I saw them walk towards that way.” she said while pointing out a specific direction. I just nod.

After that she quickly went ahead towards the stage. I think she’s about to perform.

I continued walking towards the other way, towards the way she points out, so I can see their room.

After walking for quite a while, I’ve seen a door which has a name of Blackpink in its front.

I gulped before even thinking if I’ll knock the door.

Shall I knock? Or should I just go get in without knocking?

Few seconds had passed and I decided to knock on the door.

I knocked three times on the door but no one answered.

No one even opened the door for me. Can they hear me? I mean can they hear me knocking? Or was it too unnoticeable?

I knocked the door once again and now I can say that it is noticeable now. Much noticeable than the first knock that I did.

No one opened the door once again and no one answered. That time I decided to finally open the door to at least take a look if they’re inside.

I warily opened the door and got shocked.

She’s sitting on the floor and holding her right ankle. She has tears in her eyes and was also shocked to see me.

I don’t know what happened to her but I wasn’t aware that my feet suddenly ran towards her.

I was shocked that I’m already in front of her in just a short period of time.

I sat down as she’s sitting on the floor, “What happened?”

She doesn’t answer but she keeps on crying.

“What happened?” I quickly asked her for the second time.

But I received no answer from her.

That time I decided to give her a back ride, “Ride.”

She’s not answering. No hands are touching my back.

She’s clearly not doing anything.

I looked straight at her, “Look, I’m helping you right now. Why don’t you just cooperate? I’ll get you in a clinic, if there’s one in here or at least to somewhere your ankle can be treated well.”

“Just leave me alone,” she said.

“Why? Can’t you just cooperate? I’m just trying to help you, I have no intentions of doing something bad on you.” I quickly said, “Please?” I asked her to accept the help I’m giving.

She shook her head from left to right. She’s saying ‘no’.

“Just go,” she said.

I was shocked when the door suddenly opened. I saw how shocked Rosé is, with a medical person, I think?

“What is the meaning of this Mister Jeon?” she asked.

Jisoo and Jennie suddenly pops out of nowhere following Rosé as she enter the room. Their face were shocked too. They’re surprised, well I am too.

“I can explain,” I said while doing some hand gestures.

“Can’t you be more sensitive? How come you’re here when all you do is to hate and to shade on Lisa online? Even in her own account, huh? Wow. The guts you have after doing those things and shoving your ass off here.” Jisoo-noona clearly said.

“Look Mister Jeon, our Lisa’s hurt physically, emotionally and mentally.” Jennie said, “Physically because as you can see she’s hurt, she hurts her ankle. Emotionally and mentally because of you. Because of that stupid decisions you’ve done. To throw a shade on her account, on her comments’ section to be exact. That’s why a bunch of your fans are hating on her.” she added of.

“So, may you please just leave? Or else I’d forget that you’re one of our seniors. A senior should act more mature, right? But why does a senior ruin a life of his hoobae?” Rosé quickly said.

“Please leave,” Lisa’s still crying.

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