Her Hater | 21

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Lisa’s Point of View

“What is going on?” a shout from the other side of my door woke me up. “Lisa, open this door!” Jisoo-unnie shouted once more.

I stood up while fixing my hair. I quickly grabbed the door knob and opened it for my unnie. I raised an eyebrow at her. “Hmm?”

She looked at me with his brows crossing.

“Can you explain this?” she said while making me face her phone.

I looked at her then to her phone. My eyes widened as soon as I saw a picture of me and Jk.

Earning 15 million likes. And a million of comments. W-what?

“Hey, Lisa! Explain this to me! Did you just fool us by hiding it and acting like you weren’t together?” she said while looking at me straight into my eyes.

I sighed.

After some quite time, I explained everything to her and she’s still confused about it, so am I, but she got the point why we’re doing these things.

She left my room after we had a talk about this matter. I sighed heavily once again. Finally, she understood.

I decided to wear a crop top and some jeans I found inside my cabinet. I grabbed my 'celine' jacket before going out of my room.

“I need to go somewhere unnies,” I said but no one answers.

I went out of our dorm and felt the vibration of my cellular phone.


Jungkook sunbaenim:



I raised a brow at it, why is he suddenly messaging me?

I just ignored it. I put my phone inside my pocket. I walked towards the road. I texted my company manager a while ago and he said he’s already driving to my location.

I stood up beside the road in front of this signage. I’ll just wait for my manager here.

Few minutes had passed and I got bored waiting for him. What took him so long? Is it a long drive from the company to our dorm?

Tsk, the heat of the sun started to hit my skin. I moved towards the signage and make it a sun-blocker.

I was about to call manager when someone just pulled me over. I was pulled to this person’s chest.

I smelled a new scent and it is coming for my nose. All I know is I’m clearly in love with this scent starting from now on.

Manager oppa definitely has a taste with scents. He changed his perfume and it clearly got better. His old perfume just doesn’t suit my sense of smell. It hurts my nose.

“Manager oppa, you’ve changed your perfume..” I said while closing my eyes and started smelling it once more through his clothes.

A minute later, I got up from his chest and got my body back. “I’m loving your new perfume.


A familiar voice just shattered my imagination and the scent I’m smelling as of the moment. Tell me it wasn’t him.

As much as I want this person not to be him. I’m sure of his sound. I’m sure of the sound of his voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and turned my sight to the person in front of me.

He smirked while smiling at me.

“W-what are you doing here?” I just stuttered.

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