Her Hater | 14

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Lisa’s Point of View

“Why are you alone again?” he asked while fixing his hair and smiling.

He walked towards me. He sat on the chair in front where I’m currently facing as of the moment.

“Do you want anything?” he asked one more time while raising his brows.

I’m just looking at him. I didn’t even give him an answer.

Jungkook stood up, “I’ll just get some foods. Wait for me and save this seat for me, okay?”

He smiled even before leaving my table and directly went to the foods’ section.

I must leave.

I thought of some things to avoid him, just like going home, going to the comfort room or either confront him to leave me alone.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to prioritize.

I saw Bambam from afar. An idea went up to dominate my mind.

I stood up, I’ll just go to Bambam. I’ll be sitting with him.

“Bambam!” I shouted while swaying my hands.

I caught his attention and went right next to me, “Wae, Lisa? Why are you all alone here?”

I pointed my unnies using my right hand. He just nodded.

“Would you like to sit beside me?” he asked while smiling.

He’s so cute, he didn’t change. He’s still caring towards everyone. I was crushing over him when we’re still young but it felt like I’ll be having a crush on him at this exact moment once again.

I nodded in exchange of saying yes to him. He just smiled at me and held my hand so we can go to his seat.

“Let’s go,” he said while smiling widely.

We went to his seat. I waved hello to his co-members.

“Hi Lisa!” Jackson said.

“Lisa, waaah! I’m already a fan! The worldwide success you’re receiving right now is not a joke.” Yugyeom said.

I just smiled at them in return after waving hello to them.

“Hi Lisa!”

“Annyeong, Lisa!”

“Lisa-ssi, what brings you here?”

“Are you dating our Bambam?” Jackson interrupted once more.

I turned my sight to Bambam when he suddenly stopped Jackson.

“Yah! We’re not dating!” he said while he’s about to cover his mouth.

“I’m just kidding, Lisa.” Jackson laughed, they love to tease Bambam.

Bambam went red. Is h-he blushing?

“Let’s just go sit over here, Lisa. Let’s move a bit away from these punks.” Bambam said while lifting two chairs up and moved it a little away from Jackson and the other members.

We finally had the chance to sit.

“So, how are you now?” Bambam asked.

I smiled at him, “Good. And you?”

“I’m good too, actually–” he’s speaking up.

I know he’s still speaking up until this moment but it feels like I can’t hear him.

My sight was moved from him to my original seat.

I saw Jungkook walking with some foods on a tray that he’s holding. The tray was really loaded with a lot of foods, I mean it’s really a lot.

He puts it down and placed everything well on the table.

He didn’t sit, he’s actually still standing while moving his sight from one to another, and so on.

He’s searching for something or was he searching for someone? I don’t know– wait, he’s actually searching for me.

It feels like the whole place stopped. His eyes met mine. We’re looking at each other and no one’s about to cut it.

His eyes won’t let my eyes go. It feels like he’s telling me something through his eyes. His eyes are talking to me.

Everything went normal when Bambam suddenly touched my left arm.

From Jungkook’s eyes, I turned my sight to Bambam.

“Are you still listening to me?” he asked.

“H-huh? U-uh– y-yes of course. Yeah, right.” I stuttered.

“Okay, this was it–” he continued speaking up what he’s saying a while ago.

I know he’s still talking about something but I didn’t listen to him once again.

I moved my sight to where Jungkook was in a while ago, I saw him sitting down there and eating what he brought to the table. To my table.

What are you really up to? I’m confused.

Side note: I finally updated this story after a week! Did you guys miss me? Lol, I’m just kidding! I just want to greet our Taehyungie, a happy birthday! Borahae!

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