Her Hater | 39

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Lisa's Point of View

“Baby,” he called which made me look over him.

He smiled and lets a chuckle out of his mouth.

Chz. What is it this time?

“What?” I asked him out.

He shook his head sideways. “You're being used to baby, huh? Are you too used being my baby?” he said while giggling.

I rolled my eyes in front of his face. He should be terrified with his own words.

“Let's just eat,” he said afterwards and went to get something.

I often see him, so does, hear his voice. I'm actually not used to being around him but am I used to not seeing him? I don't know, my mind's a mess.

He prepared the foods up. Fish cakes with special sauce, jjajangmyeon, carbonara and seafoods. I love to see it.

While he's placing the foods and utensils, I suddenly went to stare at his face and I saw how he's smiling while preparing those foods. Shoot.

I quickly turned my sight away from him afterwards and grabbed the chopsticks.

“Thank you for the food, I'll be eating,” I said and went to get some carbonara.

The awkward feeling comes in beneath my skin that makes me feel strange.

“You okay?” he asked.

I just nodded at him as an answer.

I continued eating little by little when some things suddenly popped out of my mind which made me think about everything.

I let my chopsticks fell off my hands. I didn't know what I'm doing but all I know is I'm being dominated by problems in such situations.

I badly need to learn the choreo for my solo performance, our first world tour is just about to start and we're preparing for it just by this moment. I need to improve my stamina and stage presence too, I need to get things good and neat. And of course, our scheduled comeback date.

My thoughts just popped off. I came back to my senses when I suddenly felt some touches in my wrist.

A voice came to ask me. “Lisa, you good?”

It's just Jk. Okay, chill.

“Y-yes,” I answered.

He nodded and went back to eating seafoods.

The lobster looks yummy. And how he crack those body parts of that lobster is– nah, nothing.

I just played my carbonara with my chopsticks. Spinning it round and round and round. Continuously. I just don't want to eat. I'm not in the mood already.

“Lisa..” he called again.

I looked up to him and saw his serious face. I feel like my head's empty and occupied by problems which are connected to my job as an idol, it's stressing me out.

“Hmm?” I hummed.

“Start eating that carbonara, or I'll stuff your mouth with something longer and thicker than that chopsticks.” he said.

He boringly moved his sight to his food. I feel like my eyes went out big time to take a walk.

I didn't expect that thing to come out from his mouth.

I feel like I was stoned at my place. Letting the chopsticks go from my hands for the second time.

I was just directly looking at him. His serious face while eating is something as if he didn't say anything.

I was shocked when I felt a sudden vibration in my pocket. Someone's calling.

I went to check who was it, and it tells Jackson's name.

Why is he suddenly calling me up? I mean we're not that close and it's just unusual.

I looked upon Jk and I saw how he looked at my phone's screen as if he saw who's calling.

I heard a loud sound smashing the table up. I saw how Jk smashed the table with his hand.

Why is he suddenly being annoyed?

“Lisa, p-please spare this time for me. Don't think of anything else when you're with me. Baby, please,” he stated.

I quickly swiped the call to be declined. “Okay. I won't again.”

He continued eating afterwards and it feels like his mood changed. From that pissed guy to this positive aura guy.

I finished eating up and he started fixing the table where we had eaten.

“I'll wash the dishes,” I volunteered.

It's just 4 plates and 3 little plates.

He just nodded out.

I went to wash the dishes and quickly finished it after some quite time. I dried my hands from the towel in the sink.

Knocks on the door were heard from the inside.

Jk went to see who it is, so am I, 'cause I'm following Jk while he's walking towards the door.

He opened the door without noticing my presence at his back.

“Who is–” he was stopped from asking when a familiar face came out.

“Surprise!” the guest shouted.

The familiar guest went inside with some paper bags in her hands.

“Tzuyu, what are you doing here?” Jk asked.

After asking, Jk checked around as if he's searching for something.

His sight went to his back which is where I am in.

“Baby,” he called me out of nothing.

I just raised a brow at him and he just quickly pouted as if he's telling me something from those actions he made.

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