Her Hater | 30

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Lisa's Point of View

I felt like my neck was stiffed. It feels like I slept for a really long time.

Is it already a year later?

I cracked my neck up as I lift myself up from this bed.

An unfamiliar room surprised me. Strange, this isn't my room nor any of my unnies' room.

If it isn't theirs, whose room is this?

The door slowly opened and it throws Jungkook up.

His eyes met mine. I didn't interrupt to cut our contact through eyes. I felt like I was a statue for seconds.

Is this his room? No, it can't be. Why would I be in someone else's room when in fact we're not even done practicing and doing things for our comeback.

Wait, what happened– to our supposedly comeback?– Is it postponed? What are my unnies doing? Are they okay? Will they face punishments just because of me.

“Are my unnies okay? What happened to our comeback? Are you okay?”

He's not saying anything. He didn't talk. He didn't explain. All I know is he's running towards where I'm sitting in which is definitely his bed.

I was frozen for a while 'cause I know that right now, he's hugging me. Tightly. I can feel something through his hug, something undefinable. I don't know what it is but I felt that emotionally.

“J-jk, I c..c-cant breathe..” I said while tapping his back.

Instead of loosening to the hug, he tighten it even more. I can feel what he feels through his hug.

“J..k.. Jun..gkook..” I tapped his back but it feels like he’ll never loosen the hug.

I just moved for a while and he suddenly spoke up. “Can you just stay? Don't you know how much I'm worried? Can we please stay like this for a while? I want to feel your presence while you're awake,” he said.

He puts his head on my neck. He jammed his head onto it.

“How long has it been?” I asked. “I mean how long did I sleep?” I explained thoroughly.

“You slept for a day.” he answered while I can feel his breathing in my neck.

He's leaning his head in my shoulder that makes him face my neck.

“A day? I thought I slept for a month because you're too worried..” I giggled.

“How can I not be worried? You're too exhausted at that time when I saw you. You've asked me if I'm okay and if your unnies are okay when clearly you're not, you’re concerned about my wounded arm but you're not concerned about your health,” he said.

I faced him while still letting him lean his head onto my shoulder. I looked at him. “As much as I want to be concerned about my health, I can’t. What can I do? Go against our head staffs' wants?” I said.

He's looking straight right into my eyes while leaning his head in my shoulder.

“Stop being too worried, Jk. I'm okay now. I can already kick you in the face if I want to.” I said.

He's being too worried that I didn't remember that I should be the one worried for him 'cause of the leeching issue. It's not that good. It's not actually good for them, for his name and for his group's name.

As he's leaning in my shoulders. I can feel his heavy head. He's tired, he might be because of worrying too much.

Did he sleep? Or did he stay awake to wait for me to finally be awaken? I don't know, I just want right now is to let him sleep in my shoulder.

It's a give and take type of situation. It's always give and take for the both us.

“You can sleep,” I said while looking at him.

His eyes moved from just somewhere to catch my eyes. He raised a brow at me asking what I'm about to do.

“Just sleep, dumbass.” I said.

He shuts his eyes down following what I instructed him.

After some time, few minutes, I think? We stayed in that position. He's still leaning his head towards my shoulder.

I can see his peaceful rest face. His adorable eye structures, cute nose and his red kissable lips.

Damn– no– this is completely nothing.

As I stare at him, I'm thinking of some prior things.

My deep thoughts put their place aside when I saw him.

“What if we end it here? You've done enough for me. You shouldn't suffer from doing these things.” I murmured.

I was startled when he held my hand. He jammed it to his hands. “No.”

I raised a brow but I know he won't see it since his eyes were still closed.

“Stop thinking too much. I can do everything exclusively for you. I can do more for you.”

He's not opening his eyes. He's still at that position.

“Jk, it's just inappropriate 'cause you've already made up to what you did to me. Everything you've done is enough–”

I was interrupted by his sudden talk of words.

“Hush, no more talking. You told me to sleep in your shoulder, so let me sleep and be quiet.” he said.

He grabbed my other arm so he can jam it into his two arms. This man is really something.

He slowly opened his eyes and quickly winked at me before smiling.


He lets out a chuckle out of his mouth.

He closed his eyes afterwards. He slept and all I know is I'm feeling sleepy too as of this moment.

I think I'm still not that good. Exhaustion eats me up for the past day, that's why, resting is something I must treasure.

I leaned my head in his head and felt my eyes get heavier. I shut my eyes down.

Letting myself sleep with this bunny man.

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