Her Hater | 44

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Lisa's Point of View

I've made up my mind. And that's final.

I closed his messages and turned to Jackson's message box.

Compose your reply:

Hi, Jackson! I already thought about it.

Sent 7:39pm.


Jackson Wang

Hi, Jackson! I already
thought about it.

Jackson Wang
Is that so? Then, what
would be your answer?


Jackson Wang

Jackson Wang
Okay. It's okay. Don't
feel sorry. There's
nothing to feel sorry.

I just feel like I need to.

Jackson Wang
Haha, that's just good
about you. You'll be
sorry for anything you
didn't intend to do.

Jackson Wang
Why do you keep on
being like that? I fell
for you because of that.
Shit, you'll never be
erased in my mind. Ever.

Jackson Wang
I guess it's just that
someone got your
attention and you've
been attached to him.

Sorry :(

Jackson Wang
I told you not to be

Jackson Wang
Dang. You're too cute.
How can I let you go?
How can I erase you
from my mind?

Jackson Wang
Lisa, after this message,
please don't reply. Let me
just forget and move on
from you. Let's not meet
until a month or 2, I don't
know but let me just erase
my romantic feelings for
you. Good bye and I just
hope nothing but the best
for you, Lisa. Take care.

Seen 7:47pm.


I followed his command. I didn't reply. That's what he wants, I should give him that. We'll still be friends, right?

After a month or two as what he says. He'll just remove that romantic feelings he has towards me.

I still feel sorry about it but I just can't force it. I have Jungkook.

My phone vibrated that caught my attention and saw Chaeng's text.

Shit. I'm getting dizzy for a moment. Just a little.

‘Jk's in front of our house, should I let him in? He said he wants to talk to you.’

I typed my reply quickly.


Park Chaeyoung

Park Chaeyoung
Jk's in front of our house,
should I let him in? He
said he wants to talk to you.

Yeah, let him in.
Just in the backyard.

Park Chaeyoung
But there's a lot of
insects and mosquitoes
around. Will he be okay?

Chaeng, I mean bring him
in at our glass transparent
room where we hang out
on day offs.

Park Chaeyoung
But we're not letting
just anyone enter
that, remember?

He's not just
anyone, Chaeng.

Park Chaeyoung
So, is it already not

We'll just talk about
that. We're onto that.
Wait for me, I'm on
my way.


I quickly turned from Chaeng's message box to Jungkook's message box.

I composed a message.

To: Jeon Jungkook

Follow Chaeng, okay? She'll lead you to our glass-transparent room. We will talk once I get in there. Wait for me, hmm 'kay?

Sent 8:03pm.

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