Her Hater | 7

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🖤 liked by blackpinknation, jenchulichaengs, blackpinkeuheart and 103,659 others

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🖤 liked by blackpinknation, jenchulichaengs, blackpinkeuheart and 103,659 others.

melonmusicawards  Welcome to MMA 2018! The introduction performance for this year’s MMA, is brought to you by none other than Blackpink! Stay tuned for the other performances and the awarding show.

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blink.pics they slayed the stage, sorry stage
| lisahater no, they didn't

lalisasupporter of course from lalisa, she did give her best for us :( i love u so much
| lisaspriya @lalisasupporter true!! :( i love her so much that it hurts me seeing lot of hateful or abusive comments

bpmaindancer hey, lisa, even though a lot of people has been hating on you, we’re here for you!

jeonsbaby a video where the bP's MaIn dAnCeR having no stage presence for 3 minutes straight

bts_fanatic what was that? lisa definitely ruined the performance.
| blonk123  @bts_fanatic well, all of them ruin it.
| bts_fanatic @blonk123 uHM TEA– BUT NAH, JK ONLY HATES LISA, SO IT’S ONLY LISA, HUN :)

trashbp you’re a trash, blackpink. a tea–

bpslovablehater wow, tHe pErFoRmAnCe iS sO FrEaKiN lIt! joke :P ops– KSHDSKDHS

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