Her Hater | 36

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Lisa's Point of View

“What are we doing here?” I asked.

He gets out of the vehicle. “We'll talk,”

I rolled my eyes but decided to follow him. He's walking towards the seashore. He likes places like this.

He sat on the bench and didn't notice he had a paper bag in his hand which contains sparkling water.

Chz. Why would he want to drink alcohol? I mean he told me that he's drinking sparkling water since he's not allowed to drink alcohol because of work.

“You're drinking that again,” I said.

His eyes moved from the shore to my eyes. He smiled. “You remembered.”

He turned his sight to the shore again after smiling.

“O-of course, I'm not that forgetful to forget,” I explained when I'm not even asked to explain anything.

I just sat in silence. I didn't bother to talk to him either. We're here so he can drink? Wow. Why would he even want me to be here?

Just so no one can catch him? I mean if he's here with any other girl, they'll be caught. He's clearly just using me.

That's just fool of me to be easily fooled by him.

“I'll just go,” I said.

He grabbed my wrist again but this time, it's tighter. “Life's too tough. I'm so tired.” he said.

I looked upon him after hearing those from him. What does he mean?

He's smiling but emotions in his eyes are barely seen.

“You okay?” I asked out of my concern.

“Am I? I don't know. Maybe?” he worded in return.

He drank half of his sparkling water. He just leaned his head on my shoulder after taking a shot of his sparkling water, his own kind of alcohol.

“Why are we here? Why did you bring me here? You should just bring Tzuyu instead of me and just lean your head on her.” I said.

He looked upon me. “So, that's it. That's what makes you runaway from the conference room. Baby, are you jealous of her? Tell me,” he said.

He looked so tired. I don't even have the guts to argue with him or anything.

“I didn't runaway because of that,” I lied.

I just hope it works. “Stop lying. I asked the trainees where you sat in with. Do you think I didn't catch you hiding from me?” he said while looking straight to me.

“I'm not that person you and the trainees are talking about. I didn't even have the time to visit trainees' building.” I reasoned out, but I know I screwed up.

“You're screwed, Lisa. Your reasons are being loopholes to each other.” he said.

He puts his sparkling water down the bench in the other side where he's sitting in.

“Okay, fine. I was there. And I ran away because of that. Happy? Are you satisfied?” I speaked out.

“You just didn't know. As much as I want to go into you, I can't, that's just rude in front of them but I did stop them from teasing us, I guess you just haven't heard it.” he explained.

“So is it my fault now? Okay? Sorry? I almost forgot that we're just pretending. Yeah, sorry for that.” I sarcastically said.

He took another shot of his sparkling water. “You know I didn't mean it that way, baby.”

“Stop calling me baby!”

“But I want to.. baby.” he said as if he didn't hear what I've said.

“What about you, talking to Tzuyu, just the two of you alone?” I asked as if I'm a jealous girlfriend.

He leaned his head towards my shoulder. “We just talked about what happened. Since it started when she wiped my sweat, I told her not to at where no one can hear since it'll be rude in their eyes.” he explained.

I felt his heavy sigh. “So, is everything clear now?”

I didn't answer. I'll just let him wonder. He didn't bother to ask again, he closed his eyes feeling the cold breeze of the ocean.

“It's getting cold, Jk.” I said.

He stopped leaning his head towards my shoulder so I was about to stand up and proceed to the jeep wrangler but he didn't let me to.

I was shocked when he hugged me. “The weather's just being like you,”


“You've been cold to me,” he said while hugging me.

I just didn't answer again since I don't even know what to answer.

“A week without you. Hundreds of calls each day, no calls you'd picked up. Hundreds of texts but you wouldn't reply into any of it. Millions of you in my mind but there's no you wanting to see me in person.” he stated while he tightened the hug. “But I guess it's worth the while. I'm here with you, having the chance to hug you so tight. Having the chance to know what you've felt. Having the chance to know you're concerned of me.” he added of.

“Since when did I tell you that I'm concerned of you?” I asked.

“You didn't say it directly but I can sense, am I wrong? If I'm wrong, give me a kiss.” he said.

My knees felt weak and my heart pounds harder and faster. Shit.

I punched his right arm since he's hugging me. “I'm just kidding, baby.”

The wind's getting colder and colder since the sun's about to disappear. I decided not to notice it and just endure it.

“What are you saying a while ago? That life's too tough and you're tired?” I asked.

He just shook his head sideways, although, I didn't see it but I can feel it through his movements which are too near from my shoulder.

“That's nothing, baby. As long as you're with me, I could simply just forget about it.” he said.

“Tsk. What is it, Really? Stop pissing me.” I tried to fake my anger.

He just stayed chill. “I told you it's nothing, just let me rest, Lisa. Let me rest in your arms for a while, just until the sun disappear.”

“'Cause you're my rest, baby. You're my home where I can rest into and where I can show my fragile side.”


Side note: Double update it is. I should be doing my requirements but here I am writing this update. I hope y'all enjoy! Love u!

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