Her Hater | 34

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Lisa's Point of View

“W-what? You did what and with whom?” Rosé asked as if she didn't hear it.

I covered her mouth up to stop her from talking too loud. “Hush, stop talking too loud, Rosie!”

She covered her mouth up herself afterwards.

“B-but did you really did it with Jk?” she whispered.

I nodded at her. “It was a mistake,”

“Why? Why is it a mistake?”

“Of course, I didn't use my brain. It's just like it didn't function well that time, it's like my thoughts are driven by the desire I have that time.” I explained.

She shook her head. “That's what you get when you hang out with your hater,”

She bursted out a loud laugh as if we’re the only ones in here in the hallway of YG Entertainment's building.

“Damn you, Rosie!” I cursed at her but she just laughed about it.

She played with her fingers even before making her mind up to something that seems bugging her.

She asked a question out. “I-is he wild on the bed?”

“Couch–” I stopped myself from correcting her because I realized what I just said.

No, she shouldn't know anything else about what happened! No!

She lets a chuckle out from her mouth. “Okay, Manoban, is Mr. Jeon that good in the couch that it makes you hide any details about what happened?”

Bullshit. I'm ashamed. For real. I'm actually being roasted in front of my friend, Rosie, which also happened to be the person who interrogates me.

“Shut up, chipmunk.” I said while looking at her with some threats.

“Oh, come on, let's all be honest, I would like to do that thing with Jimin too– oops,” she was stopped from talking when she realized that she shouldn't say what she has said.

I cackled when I realize that she just embarassed herself in front of me. “You wanna do it, huh?”

“Urgh, Lisa. Stop it!” she held her face as if she's hiding because she has done something to be ashamed for.

Well, valid. It really is shameful.

“Oh come on, you wanna do it with whom?” I teased her out.

“Shut up, Lisa!” she said before running to the dance practice room.

Well, we're quits now. I guess. Who expects Rosé to be secretly in love with Jimin? Like c'mon, I'm shipping her with almost anyone but she always ignores it. Well, I didn't know that she has special feelings for Jimin.

I just laughed about it.

My pocket vibrated because of my phone. Someone's calling I think.

I put out my phone from the pocket. I saw that Jungkook is calling me.

What is he up to? I feel terrified. I don't know why.

Shall I answer it or should I just ignore it? I'm too ashamed to face him after what we've done together. Dang!

I went outside the building and was about to go to the trainees' place. They are in the other building for now since they need to study as well as they need to practice more.

Her HaterWhere stories live. Discover now