Her Hater | 29

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Lisa's Point of View

“Baby..” he says. “I'm here already.” he adds up to what he said.

My knees felt weak. It feels like I'm debonized by his words.

It has some strange feeling in his words that makes me like this. He has this effect on me. Only him can do this.


Damn. I held my chest knowing I’m getting too weak at this moment.

The surroundings went blurry and started spinning. It went from slow to fast spin.

I shook my head to wake my soul up. “Are you okay? Your arm’s bleeding..”

I went to where he’s lying down. I know he isn’t okay and I don't know what I'm feeling.


Yes– no. Of course no!

Y– no! I said no! Yes– no!

No- no– okay, fine.. Yes.

I’m worried.

I’m getting worried that it might be infected by some pieces of the door that are on the floor. What if it affects his health?

“First aid– please!” I shouted out.

I stood up from where I'm sitting in and was about to rush my way towards him. All I know right now is I'm worried for him.

Everything felt spinning again. Once more. And this time it's getting faster. I'm feeling so dizzy.

“B-baby, I'm okay. I'm clearly fine. It’s just a small wound.” he contrasted to what I shouted. “I'm fine. Are you?” he asked with a worried face.

As much as I want to answer him ‘yes’, I don't feel like I can. I just felt the floor embracing me as soon as I fell from running.

“L-lisa!” he shouted but it feels like it's getting softer and softer.

I saw my unnies watching me as I close my eyes. I cannot hear anything well. It feels like I'm slowly collapsing–


Jennie's Point of View

As soon as Lisa collapsed. Jungkook went outside and I feel like he's heading to something, so I followed him.

His face is something. It's not usual. He has this unusual reaction.

I'm following him step by step so he won't notice but it seems like even though I made a noise from following him, he won't even notice my existence in his back.

He's really something. He's about to head his way to the CEO's staff.

All I know right now that he has a pure heart. He has this concern for Lisa. He's worried for her.

After some while, he managed to get inside the CEO's Office. I checked what's happening inside by watching them just in the door.

All I can hear is shouts from Jk.

“Your artist is exhausted. No, the four of them are exhausted. Can't you at least put their health first?” he said with those eyes.

Those eyes won't lie. Those eyes feel like he's about to bite anyone who'll crash or collide with someone he's protecting. His eyes were being angry as if it shouts toward the CEO.

YG-nim is just looking at him. Damn, why is he even here?

“Listen. If you won't prioritize their health, you won't want me to crash with you.” he said with those angry eyes, Jungkook is really mad. “If something bad happens to her, I swear..” he grinned a teeth out of anger.

“Jk, sit.” YG said while smiling.

“No! I want to talk to you about this matter. If you're leeching to my group's name, don't worry, no one's backing out. I'm not backing out. I just want the best for Lisa, for the four of them! I won't quit, although there's always media coming through.” Jungkook said.

“I know.. But I'm not the one exhausting them. The head staffs are, they're the one in-charge, I'm not responsible for those since I don't know what's happening outside this room.” YG started. “Don't worry, I'll call them up for this matter. They shouldn't kill my artists. As far as I know, I debuted them, but why are they killing them little-by-little? Tsk,” he adds up.

Jungkook faced the ground. “Thank you.”

“No worries. Go back to Lisa, I'm sure you want to take care of her.” YG said while smiling. “Call the head staffs now!” YG shouted to his assistant at his back.

“Yes, sir!” the assistant replied.

Jungkook, then, faced the door and is about to leave. I ran towards the dance practice room, so he won't notice that I followed him.

All I know right now is no one's making up for his mistake, he's doing these because he has something special for her and it's for real.

He's slowly falling for her.

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