Ch.45 In the dark pt.2

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Taehyung pov

I smile at Joy when she starts singing DNA. She just got in Seoul not to long ago and we been driving around before heading to the dorms. She looks happy, when she was leaving she wasn't sad, she said that we knew this day would come. Which is true, we knew at some point (if yoongi cheated on her or not) she was going to leave Korea to be home with her family and friends.

"Who are you most excited to see?" I ask her while getting her bag out the car. Joy hums and thinks about it before smiling wide.

"Maybe joonie or Jimmie. I don't know which one yet." She smiles and grabs her jacket along with her phone helping me out with the smaller bag. Walking in the building of the hotel people look at us and try their best to smile. It's not everyday you'll see a Asian with a African American. Going inside her hotel room Joy sets down her bag on the bed and I set the rest on the floor. She looks at me when I jump on the bed letting out a light moan.

"Really tae tae?" Joy giggles shaking her head. I laugh and sit up looking at her.

"Yes really, I miss these beds." I say looking at the text I got from Namjoon and put it back in my jacket pocket. "Namjoon hyung said it's time to go, yoongi is there and he's getting a little grumpy." I explain looking at her, she nods and we walk out the hotel room going in the car.

Joy pov

I look out the window watching all the cars, coming back to Korea was opening up memories I been trying to hide a long time. When I left I never thought I would leave a happy woman, no one could change my mind on how I wanted to go. Taehyung stops the car and i let out a sigh and nod to myself.

You can do it

But can I?

I been asking myself that when I got out the plane, this was new for me. The brake ups, the heartbreak and even the depression. I had screamed, cried and even punch walls in the past but this.. this was a whole new experience. My hands was sweaty and my heart was beating fast. I left someone's hand on mines making me jump.

"It's ok joy.. no ones going to hurt you again. I promise that." Taehyung says while looking at my sweaty state. I nod and give him a weak smile which he nods to his self saying it was good enough. Walking to the door my heart beats harder and faster again and I feel like crying. I try to slow down my breathing my taking breaths at a time while doing so I stop shaking. Taehyung knocks on the door and Namjoon opens it smiling when he sees me.

"Joy!" He yells hugging me tightly and swinging me around, I laugh and kisses him on the cheek making him blush. Walking in I can tell the air feels different.. something isn't right.


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