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Haechan got off the car after almost six weeks, with his senior doctor and professer but also his husband now. He waited until Mark parked the car as the older then jogged closer to lace their arms in graceful beauty. The doctors who knew smiled while the rest gave them weird but cute looks of shock.

"So I'll meet you in class." Mark bobbed their noses as they seperated their ways.

Jaemin and Renjun teased the shit out of Haechan while Chenle took pictures of the embaressed beauty. Jisung looked a little hurt about something and had also stopped interacting with Chenle for some weird reason. Jeno was whipped for Renmin so he's little crazy right now.

"Silence children. " Mark walked in with his usual stern face, his wedding ring shinning like the sun in the dark. Haechan blushed darkly at the older who looked quite hot.

"Mr Lee? You......Got married?" Koeun was about to burst out ugly crying.

"Yes. Now will you please sit down?" Mark rolled his eyes. The lectures began and it went on for quite sometime. With occasionall gazes of love by the newly wedded couple.

"Who is the bitch that you married!" Koeun frustratedly yeld once class was over. The children started pouring out like herds of loose animals.

"Me you fucker." Haechan threw a scaplal at the pretty girl.

"What!?" She screamed in dramatic agony. Haechan walked down the classroom smiling sweetly at his husband.

"Your lips are parched. Lick them." Mark removed his glasses, grabbing his books to leave. Haechan stood shyly looking up at him. The older chuckled leaning down to kiss his wife on the lips. Koeun had a heart attack but the others awwed. Haechans got so jelly Jeno had to hold the lifeless giddy body in place.

Once they were out Jisung pulled his mothers and Haechan into an empty room. He had to talk to the elders first. Jaemin and Jisung grew up in an orphanage so thats how they got the mother son relationship. Renjun was anyways his dad future wife too right?

"Baby chick whats wrong?" Jaemin started panicking when Jisung started softly crying. He usually was a show off yet right now he was breaking down into tiny bits.

"I-I really like Chenle!.....But he keeps saying my words carry no weight! He spends his whole day with Hrvy, then why did he act like he likes me. I love him mom but....he's so rich, so popular like Haechan hyungs dad. He's able to spend lavishly but.......but I have nothing to offer him. And his parents are scary as fuck.....I was afraid.....tell me should I give up? It looks like Hrvy loves him. Chenle does too as it seems. It hurts so much Mom.....My hearts fucking breaking." Jisung for the first time spilled his bottled up emotions. "I love it when he fights, when he yells, when he laughs, he's like my safe heaven. He's rich, Hrvy is rich, they are prefect for each other. I even saw them about to kiss so maybe I should give up. Chenle is leaving to China tonight, I swear when he comes back I would have killed my feelings." Haechan hugged Jisung tightly as the younger boy cried louder and louder into his chest slowly falling onto the floor.

"Sweety why didnt you tell us before?" Renjun rubbed the taller boys back softly.

"Baby I know that Chenle loves you. Hrvy is just his friend. Trust me sweety." Jaemin wiped the boys tears away like the mother he was.

"No he doesnt love me anymore." Jisung stood up as he wiped his tears and walked away.

"You need to talk to him. Make everything clear between the both of you. If I hadnt confessed to Mr Lee then I wont be married now. You need to face your fear baby Ji." Haechan smiled softly at the youngest. Jisung sighed nodding.

"Geez Chenle just wont leave Hrvys side." Renjun fummed at the other Chinese.

"They'll figure things out. If they fail to we will help." Jaemin sighed.

"Mr Lee!!!" Haechan swirled into the senior doctors office.

"Careful.....silly." Mark chuckled when the younger crashed into his arms. Jaemin who had found out that Marks office had a coffee machine has recently moved into the kitchen area, fake coughed at the two cuties.

"Heres a cup of coffee each. Dont fuck on the table its going to obvious hurt for Haechan baby. See ya love birds." Jaemin skipped off with a big mug of coffee.

"I love you." Haechan purposely pushed the both of them on the couch.

The tapping of heels resonated across the busy lobby of the hospital. The graceful presence of a certain someone, the haughty aura making people stop their work to stare at the person.

"Mark Lee." Her voice a beautiful rythmn she looked at the receptionist.

"You need an appointment Madam." The girl mumbled at the lady.

"I dont need appoinments to meet him." She hissed at the girl as she walked into the hospital. Knowing too well where Marks office be.

Mark sat on the couch with Haechan shyly straddling him. The were playing rock paper sissors and the one who looses needs to be given a breathless kiss. Haechan had been loosing at a straight round of four. Mark enjoyed the younger boys failure as he kissed the energy out of the silver head.

"No fair!! You meanie." Haechan scrapped Marks exposed chest sadly.

"Why you are getting kissed. Arent you happy?" Mark chuckled pulling the younger boy even more closer.

"I am." Haechan blushed darkly, his husband pulling his nape down to kiss him again. Haechans arms fell lifeless on either side of the older. But their session was interupted by the knocks on the door.

"They can wait." Mark pulled the younger more closer, kissing him deeper. They didnt notice the door open and a beautiful girl stand behind them.

"Mark?" She gasped loudly making the couple pull away quite breathless. Marks heart literally stopped beating with fear.

"Irene?" Mark mumbled his grip on Haechans waist tightening.

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