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Mark had been at the bar for more than three hours, swirling his beer glass with a frown. His body didnt want to go against his wife's orders, he wanted to drink so bad to drown the saddness he felt but he couldnt. He loved Haechan too much, that such a small action seemed to affect him.

"The the bar is about to close." The baristor informed Mark who left the untouched liquid and left with a nod.

Mark felt the rain pour down on his body, was he being selfish? Haechan was ten years younger and Mark should be more understanding since he was more mature. Mark sighed, Running an arm through his wet hair as his tears mingled with the rain. The older drove home with a heavy heart regretting his decisions and choices he had made. The house was silent as the older locked the door and tip toed inside. His room was dark as he switched on the light. Haechan sat curled up on the floor crying, Sarang was asleep in her crib.

"Mark?" Haechan looked up with swollen blood shot eyes. He was barely dressed, the sight shattered Mark.

A tear roled down Marks left eye, his shirt wet as it pasted itself on the olders well built body, his shirt buttons removed and his blazer crushed under one of his arms. It was clear as crystal that both had equally suffered the loss of each other. As the olders tears fell slipped down again Haechan stood up, crashing into Marks arms, he cried into the olders chest his heart felt like it would stop any minute.

"I-I'm sorry." Mark hugged Haechan back, tightly, even though he was drenched to the core ofhis bones he held his husband tight. "I should have been more understanding, I'm sorry I hurt you so much, I'm sorry I tied you up, I'm sorry for everything," The older fell on his knees his face buried in Haechans tummy, Haechan knew Mark was crying. "I was being inhuman. You......You were only afraid you might loose me. I'm so sorry." Cried Mark, Haechan helped Mark up, as he slapped the older across the face hardly and smashed their lips together.

Haechan stood on the olders shoes, cupping Marks face, as the older kissed back holding the youngers almost bare waist.

"I......I'm sorry too for letting my stupid thoughts get to me. I should have never said that. I swear I trust you Mark, even when you went hard on me.......I knew you loved me, I...I was scard that I might loose you. I cant live without you. I love you Mark." Haechan pulled away crying but smiled up at the older. Mark pulled Haechan into a bone crushing bear hug.

"I love you more and lets never fight ever again please? I......I cant live without you either." Mark buried his face in the soft bruised wounded hickey filled neck.

"W-We wont." The youngers smiled for the first time in weeks. Mark sneezed making Haechan pull away with a worried expression.

"H-How are you d-down there? You were bleeding." Mark sniffled biting his lips.

"See for your self! Idiot! You made me cry bucket, banged me mercilessly, ate me out of anger and now you ask me if my butt hole is okay? I can bare sit straight! Monkey!!" Haechan glared at the older who pushed him on bed and raised his doll like flawless limbs as he pulled off the boxer the boy wore to see the blood red but hole that looked like it had been tored apart then put together.

"What are you doing stupid!!!" Haechan blushed darkly as he shuffled back to a sitting position as he pulled his boxers up. Mark stared at the younger with a pout.

"Sorry." Mark sighed, the rain inviting a slight fever onto the olders body.

"Its okay.......I'm not complaining now am I? Mark? Sir!?" Haechan patted the olders sweaty cheek.

"I-I need to shower." Mark stood up stumbling into the bathroom.

Mark smiled finally he felt he was living again. Shrugging off his clothes he got into a warm bathtub that he had prepared once he entered. He lent his head back with his eyes tiredly closed. A doll like leg dipped into the water, spotted and loved in graceful anger. Mark wrapped his arms around Haechans barebody, their skin loving the feeling.

"I miss you." Mark drew a line down the youngers spin with his finger.

"I miss you more. And.....Umm next time leave some for Sarang please. She needs her milk more than you do." Haechan giggled playfully biting Marks neck. The older older chuckled softly.

"But I'm your first baby." Mark made a cute face making Haechan blush and giggle. His heart rushed with a overwhelming amount of love.

"Yes you big old idiot." Haechan moved to the other side of the bathtub.

Mark smirked going closer to the silvet head only to kiss the lips he loved so much and missed. Haechan wrapped his arms around Marks neck as he kissed back shyly.

"There goes our daughter." Mark chuckled inbetween Haechan lips. "She wants Mommy." He teased the younger who whined and pouted.

"We just got back after all that drama." Haechan mumbled getting up to leave.

"I'll be there in a few baby. I love you. And shes our little bundle of love." Mark kissed Haechans arm making the younger blush and leave.

Mark came out in a hoodie and sweat pants to see Haechan in teddy bear sweat pants and a button up shirt, he was feeding Sarang as Mark crept under the covers next to sarang.

"Get closer, We missed Daddy right Baby Sarang?" Haechan patted the babys tiny butt.

"Baby Hae? I tried so hard to drink but I couldnt. Crazy right?" Mark played with his daughters fingers.

"You just love me too much Mr Lee Mark. Dont get so mad ever again please. My heart hurt so much I thought I might not be able to hold on." Haechan placed Sarang on Marks chest once she fell asleep and cuddled up next to the olders body.

"You have my word Baby." Mark kissed both the babies on their heads as sleep took over them.

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