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The whole world seemed to stop spinning, Xiaojun was place in a small coffin, adorned with pretty things, Haechan couldnt stop blaming himself, if only he had not left the boy alone he would still be alive. His only sibling, his only other blood sibling. Xiaojun was gone. Dead. Now he was afraid, What if he looses his mother also? The rain beat down like a storm, as the funeral took place behind the hospital. Haechan walked down behind the boy he had grown too fond off, under the rain his pale lifeless body stumbling through the crowd. He was soaked to the bones but all he could think was Xiaojun. His little brother. Mark had not yet returned due to the weather. It felt like as if little Xiao was crying his heart out since he was lonely up in heaven. Haechan didnt let anyone touch him not even his own mother. He was in pain, physically and emotionally. When Xiaojun was lowered down he covered his eyes as he broke down in agonizing sobs. A pair of warm arms wrapped around his body, making his body fall into the owners arms. Haechan cried into Marks chest.

"Hush now baby.....Xiao has been eased off his pain. He's is in a better place love." Mark cupped Haechans face, the younger breathing so heavily.

"I-I miss him! Its all my fault." Haechan squeezed his tummy feeling pang after pang hit his lower abnorman.

"No its not. He will be missed by so many. Now he's in a better place and looking down on his hyung." Mark rubbed the youngers cold back but for no avail. Haechan wouldnt stop crying.

Mark hugged him tight, giving his pregnant wife the warmth he deserved. True, that he himself felt like crying his heart out. Yet he had to stay strong for his wife. Haechan could barely breath nir could he keep himself up on his feet. He was getting weaker under the rain, Jeno and Renjun held a crying Jaemin as Chenle wailed into Jisungs chest. Jungwoo sat still, tears slipping down his cheeks. Lucas stood far away from the crowd. His heart tightening at the fact that hus son he tried so hard to protect was dead. Mrs Wong was at the hospital but the rest were there to witness the child that stole so many hearts to be buried six feet down.

"Haechan lets go." Mark lifted the younger from the cold ground but the younger refused to leave Xiaojun.

"Mark....." Haechan gripped the olders chest tightly his body tipsy with all the stress.

The younger was pale, his plump lips chapped his boy looking so exhausted and tired. He was breaking inside, his fear of loosing his mother haunting him. Mark hugged him tight as they turned to leave the graveyard. Flowers adorned the little boys grave, as they left him all by him self. The cold emotionless face that he had scard Haechan to the core.

"My.....Tummy hurts." Haechan whispered as he limped next tk his husband.

"Mom said if you keep stressing on continuously we.....we might loose the baby. So please darling take care for me." Mark wiped Haechans cheeks as he gave the younger a soft kiss on the forehead.

Just before Mark and Haechan could leave, the younger was shoved away from Mark harshly by Lucas.

"Let him go!" Mark reached out for his wife.

"He is my son. Stay out of our family issues." Lucas growled at the older as he dragged the poor pregnant boy away from his husband. No one was in their right minds to notice the fiasco that was taking place.

"He is my wife and I have my rights. Let him go!" Mark pulled Haechan back carefully trying not to harm their baby.

"The divorce papers will decide if you people are still married. He doesnt need you. You killed one of my sons. So stay away from Donghyuck!" Lucas harshly dragged the pale beauty from Marks hands away.

"Mark!!!" Haechan screamed in pain for his fathers grip on his wrist his was to strong.

"Haechan!!" Mark ran after the boy.

"Come after my son and I'll hurt him. Stay away if still want him alive." Lucas warned Mark as he pushed Haechan into the car along with Jungwoo and drove off.

Mark stood there like a man who lost his life, He couldnt do anything when his wife was dragged away, Haechan kept screaming and hitting the glass window but the car drove off with no compassion. Suddenly the rain felt like daggers that sliced through Marks heart. His wife, his baby were torn apart from him.

"He's my husband!! Who are you? No one! Let me go!!" Haechan tried to opened the door of the car.

"Shut up you brat! I'm your father!" Lucas shouted his voice deep and scary.

"Do you have the audicity to call your self my father? You are a disgusting cheater who cheated on my mother with a man and left her for him!!! For all these years you didnt even check if I was alive! I need Mark!" Haechan started crying as his heart started reacting in hard breaths.

"Shut up. Or I'll thrash you. You dont need that man who killed your brother." The Chinese man hissed.

"He didnt kill Xiao! You did! Your neglegance killed him." Jungwoo noticed how difficult the boy tried to breath. His small stubby arms squeezed his stomach as he gasped for breath.

Haechan was dragged into the house and pushed into the attic. The cold nibbling at his already soaked skin. His stomach hurt so much now he was afraid he might loose his baby. Why was his father so horrible? The door was locked from outside and everything went awfully silent. Only the faint arguments between Jungwoo and Lucas were heard making Haechan close his ears and rush to the bathroom to throw up everything inside him. He slid down the cold wall crying and squeezing his heart.

"Mark...." With that he blacked out on the floor.

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