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The morning dawned waking the senior doctor with the cries of his baby girl. She cried louder than how her mommy cried when he was giving birth. Haechan lay on the hospital bed, exhausted with all that labour hours. Mark smiled remembering how happy his husband was even though he could barely speak during his session.

"I'll still be gorgeous as ever. Idiot stop disturbing my sleep." Haechan giggled as he woke up.

"How are you feeling?" Mark sat next to the pale new mother.

"AMAZING! Where is my baby girl!?" Haechan screamed leaning on his husbands shoulder.

"My grand daughter is such a rare beauty." Mrs Wong squealed as Mrs Lee pushed her wheel chair into the hospital room.

Mark scooped the twitching baby, giving Haechan their very own creation. The baby had Marks small eyes, Haechans golden glowy skin and plump lips. You could say she looked like an golden ivory crafted baby doll.

"Baby Sarang! Hi its Mommy!" Haechan cuddled her up even though he knew nothing of how to hold a baby. Sarang giggled.

"Hi Sarang. Its Daddy." Mark kissed one of those chubby cheeks the baby giggled wrapping tiny fingers around Marks finger.

"I'm going emotional hours. Guys come in." Mrs Lee called the idiots behind the glass. Jaemin, Renjun and Jeno were a crying mess, Jungwoo had heart eyes, Yeri was shopping online and Wendy who of course had come to see the babies she had saved smiled with glee. Irene hugged Yeri from behind as Joy cuddled up into then. Koeun was too short too get a proper view of the scene.

"She's gorgeous just like you." Mark whispered softly into Haechans ear making him blush darkly.

"But she takes after her handsome Daddy." Haechan kissed Marks cheek.

It was when no one was in the room, Lucas came in with cautious steps. Haechans big eyes were quick to look up at the tall man he called his father. Lucas stood fiddling his fingers like a child that was acused of mischieve.

"Come here." Haechan nodded at Lucas, the tall man came closer as he sat next to his son.

"I'm so sorry I did all that to you. I know you hate me but please dont seperate me from my grandson or your life." Lucas looked away from Haechan who softly smiled.

"Did you know I was pregnant when you locked me up?" Haechan gently gave a sleepy Sarang to his father. "Daddy, I might have hated you for leaving Mommy and me alone, but I'm old enough to understand and forgive that you started to like boys. Just like me, It's okay you were just afraid you might loose me too. But you must know that no matter where I go or what I do I'll always be your son. And.....I guess Its best you explain the reason why you didnt want to give Mama Jung another baby. That would give him less heart break. I love you Daddy. Why dont you take her around until I get some sleep? Hmm?" The younger kissed his father cheeks and wiped Lucas tears. Lucas smiled brightly as he happily carried his first grandchild away to display and be proud off.

Haechan was given a few months vacation since he just had a baby. Mark stubbornly stayed back to watch his wife feed and get more gorgeous. Sarang was fat, chubby and bubbly, and definitly took all the place in Marks heart. Her tiny feet and fingers were so soft and rosey it made the new father beyond happy.

"Go away I need to feed. Like Mr Lee go work or something!!!" Haechan carried the boo booing baby from her Daddy.

"Like suddenly you dont love me anymore." Mark pouted following his wife and daughter into their room.

"I do silly." Haechan climbed onto the bed as he unbuttoned his shirt and placed Sarangs plump lips on one of his swollen buds.

"When do I get my share?" The older played with the vacant nipple as he rested his head on Haechans shoulder.

"Idiot." Haechan blushed darkly rubbing his face on Marks soft locks.

"I have night shift today. Wont be back till 10 in the morning." Mark stood up stretching and started changing.

"But.......You promise you'll stay with me." Haechan whispered softly.

"I know but duty calls. And besides Sarang will fall asleep after drinking her milk. So would you. I'll be back soon." Mark ruffled his wifes hair and kissed the babys forehead.

"Mr Lee....." The younger pouted  but Mark got a call and rushed quickly.

Haechan snuggled up with Sarang on the bed, A tear rolling down his cheek. He just missed his husband, thats all. Sarang let go of his nipple and yawned falling asleep soon after. Haechan tried to stay up still Mark gets home but he fell asleep next to his baby.

"Look at you babies." Marks voice chuckled that morning as Haechan felt warm arms wrap around his waist and a butterfly kiss was planted on his neck.

"You are late." Haechan turned around hugging Marks waist tightly.

"Traffic. Having you been crying? Oh god Baby you know I love you right?" Mark kissed the closed eyelids of the silver head. Haechan nodded leaning up for a kiss which was happily given.

"I missed you." Haechan baby voiced between kisses.

"Hey I always say that." Mark chuckled sliding his arms under his husbands night shirt. Haechans body flexed with a soft giggle escaping his plump lips.

"Your fingers are cold....Ahh.." The golden skinned boy whinned and writhed still with his eyes closed.

"Should I take them away?" Mark teased the younger who opened his eyes and screamed no.

"You look hot with glasses." Haechan traced the olders face.

"You look yummy and ravishing and I'm raverness." Mark growled just as baby Sarang started crying. The parents chuckled.

"Well you can have me for dinner but Daddy's on diaper duty for now. So Shoo Shoo." Haechan giggled bouncing off bed and winking at Mark.

"Should I end it or continue it?" Either way no ones reading it so i might as well end it."

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