Haruhi, I Love You, But You're A Cluts

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"So... how'd your dad take the news?"
"I'm pretty sure my mom stopped talking to him when he um... yeah"
"Oh! I'm sorry you don't need to talk about it.."
"Did you get your stitches removed yet?"
"Hahah, Yup!"
"That's great! Are you healing well?"
"Yeah, my doctor even says I'm one of the quickest to recover!"
"That's great!... Hmm what do you think?"
I look at what Haruhi was looking at, a music room, 3rd one to be exact.
I shrug.
"Let's see if it's unlocked" I say following her as we investigated our hopefully soon to be study room where we had peace and qui-
"WELCOME!~" oh... I guess I spoke too soon.. after gaining my vision back from the blinding light, I saw 6 young men- all pretty average for looks giving a welcoming smile.
"...haRUHI LETS RUN" I whisper yelled beginning to tug the confused female out the door. That is until the door was slammed in my face by two identical twins smirking at me.
"What level of hell is this" one of the twins wrapped his arms around my neck from behind as the other did the same to Haruhi.
"My, two boys Hikaru.." the twin attaches to me starts.
"..Yes, Kaoru, two very outgoing boys being so openly gay as well.." the one holding onto Haruhi continues the sentence.
"Whatever shall we do?" They both ask in unison.
Haru was clearly panicked, I could tell since she was waving her hands around like a tweaker.
"W-Wait! Y-You're mistaken!! M-me and my friend we're just looking for a quiet place to study!!" Haruhi attempts.
"Who would've thought the two newest honor students would be so open about their sexuality!" A blonde says walking up to us, he had very unique and nice looking eyes as well.
"W-What... even is this place??" I ask trying to make some distance between me and the blonde but only pushed against the twin's chest who was still clinging to me.
"What this??? THIS IS THE HOST CLUB OF COURSE!! Where gentlemen with way too much time on their hands entertain ladies who also have too much time on their hands... oh we could entertain you gentlemen too so.. don't worry~" he flirts getting into my face as my cheeks burned red.
"Not thanks!" Haruhi says for me and gets me out of the other guy's clutches and tried opening the door but it was fricken locked. Who locked the door???
"Now! Who do I have the pleasure to meet?~" the blonde guy continued flirting with us. Haruhi was mostly confused while I was mostly blushing myself to my early grave.
"Haruhi Fujioka and Y/n L/n" a guy in glasses tells the blonde from across the room.
"Haruhi I swear to god I think we accidentally joined a cult;;;" I whisper mostly to my self but of course everyone hears it!
"A cult??? No! We are a club! Cults are more... Nekozawa's thing.." the blonde guy shivers at the name.
"Ugh whatever... we need to leave" Haruhi says growing more impatient whilst I wondered who the fuck Nekozawa is.
"I am Tamaki!! King of the host club!" The blonde tall guy starts, completely ignoring Haruhi.
"Mori, the strong and silent type! Kyoya, the cool type! Honey, the boy Lolita! Hikaru and Kaoru, the mischievous type!" Tamaki was slowly backing Haruhi into a pillar with a vase on it.
"So who's your type??!" Tamaki asks over excited.
"I-I don't have a type!!!" Just as Haruhi says this she jumps back and the vase begins falling.
All I could do is go wide eyed and run towards Haruhi and the vase to hopefully hel- and it shattered.
"Oh..." a twin begins as Haruhi is paler then paper.
"That's a shame... we were going to auction that.." the other twin says posing on his brother's shoulder.
oh no oh no ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno
"Yes auction it for 8 million yen" I begin choking on thin air while Haruhi looks like she might cry behind her glasses as she starts counting the thousands in a million.
"Well.. you two clearly have no money.. so what do I do?" Tamaki sits thoughtfully on a throne that poofed up out of no where.
"You two! You two shall pay with your bodies!! You two are now the host club dogs!" Tamaki yells seemingly proud of himself as Haruhi faints.
"Oh no Haruhi!!" I quickly gasp out trying to help her.


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